black magic

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Bonnie was  saying random stuff under her breath. It's done. Do you think it work? Damon ask worried. Yea it should. They might be affected. Oh like what. He could lose all her hair. He could get a fash. But the fash will have vervain in it. Oh that would be really bad if that happened. And someone that is there you can made him doing stuff he dose not what to do but it's very rare. Stefan wake up. Hey are you okay. Damon ask worried. Yea yea i am. Stefan take off your shirt. Stefan did what damon told him to. You guys have a sire bond. A what now. Its like bonnie said its when you can make the other pirson do stuff. Ok damon touched you dick. It dose not work like that olny damon can make you do stuff. Damon. Yea stefan. Please don't make me do that. Stefan. Yea. Touch your dick for a whole 10 minute. Oh no. Damon elena said. Yea. Never mind. Stefan after your done that wash your hands. 10 minutes when past. Everyone was asleep. He did what damon told him to. Damon when downstairs and ask stefan if he wanted to stay in his room for the night. He said yes. Damon kiss stefan cheek and wish him a goodnight. The next day elena saw stefan and damon in bed hugging. She said to them to wake up. There room cot on fire
Bonnie walk in at the right time putting out the fire. What happened. Stefan said. It's a witch that did that. Who? Elena said I don't know. Stefan. Yea damon. Get a blood bag. Ok. He got a blood bag from downstairs. Drink it. Damon you know i can't do that. The sire bond says otherwise

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