Part 5: Victoria's return

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"How was the finances of the Jacobs?"

"It's still going down but..." Victoria put down the newspaper she was reading and looked at the horses outside the stable.

"But they find a way to fix their problem?" She continued. "At the expense of my daughter." Victoria gritted her teeth. It's been a long time since she stepped foot in Sky City, a place she cursed.

"Unfortunately, Madame."

"If not for my daughter I will not go back here"

There's sadness in her eyes as she mentioned her daughter. If not for Arnold Jacob and his mistress' trickery, her daughter would have a better life.

"She married Caleb Herman. He is the richest man and influential in the city."

She looked at her assistant and smiled.

"Richer than me?"

"No, Madame." Victoria continued watching the horses. When Jane was 5, she told her that she wanted to be a great Equestrian but based on her assistant's investigation, it never happened. So when she started earning good, she bought horses hoping one day her daughter will be with her. But she was late.

"I want to meet this Herman..." She stood up without looking at her assistant. "If he's not treating her well, find ways to break them up and bring her to me."

But before she entered the chateau, Charles spoke. "Madame, I don't want to intervene in what you wanted to do but it's been a long time since you saw Jane. She's grown and independent..."

"Contact her. Tell her...Mom misses her"

Charles smiled. "Yes, Madame."

Jane's office

Jane decided to pack up her things and went to her office. She has rented a studio type room in the capital to have her office near her work. She stop moving and looked at the room. There's bitterness in her heart now that she has to leave this place. While packing up all her stuff, suddenly there was a knock on the door. She checked the monitor only to see a man she's not familiar outside. He is wearing a gray suit and looking serious. Silence filled the entire time. When she thought the man will let leave, she came back to her table but stopped on her tracks when he spoke.

"Ms. Jane, are you here? I saw your car at the parking lot. I'm not a bad person. I am Charles. I am your mother's assistant."

There was a sudden pain in her head when she heard the man. She's on the verge of crying. She immediately opened the door. The man smiled at her.

"You look exactly like your mother."

"Take a seat please... where's my mother?"

The man looked at her desk.

"Are you packing?" She nodded.

"Ah...yes. I'll be leaving this place."

"Your mother misses you. Would you like to see her?"

Her eyes lit. She's happy at the same time, hurt. Her mom left her when she was very young but Kia would always tell her maybe her mom have her reason. She decided to think that way and not because her mom hated her too just like her dad.

"Let me help you pack and we'll go to your mom."

She happily nodded and quickly pack her things.

"So, you're into design too?" The man saw a blueprints of her design and smiled.

"Does my mom design too? This is just my hobby."

"Yes, she loves to design. In fact, some of her works were all inspired by you."

She looked at the man. Tears began to flow.

"Your mother loves you so much. I have no right to tell you what happened to her for the last two decades but I can tell, you never left her mind."

There was comfort in her heart. For the last 2 decades, Isabel and Mikaela would tell her how she's unwanted by her mother. From then on, she stopped looking for her mom and accept her life. This time, the questions that are unanswered might have answered.

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