Family Lovin' [37]

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37. Family Lovin'


It took a while to get the boys off of Ryan, but once we did, Mom led him over to the leather sofa in the middle of the room, chatting easily with him.

"So you've been putting yourself through college for how long?" She asked, glancing at him in surprise.

"I just started my second semester," Ryan said, seating himself next to me. His hand found mine and squeezed it quickly. "I actually enrolled in a University closer to home but switched over once I realized that the California State University here in LA offered a better program for students in the sales and marketing field."

"That's quite impressive," my mother said, passing him a glass of iced tea. "And what influenced you to decide on that major?"

"Well, I knew that I wanted to throw myself into a career that would encourage a handsome salary. I watched my mother struggle with the bills for years and realized that I didn't want to spend my life that way. So after graduating from high school, I spent a few months just looking around, you know? Testing out the waters. Marketing has always been an interest of mine but it took me six months to decide on that major. I wanted to be sure- didn't want to waste my money."

"That was very smart of you... you seem to be a very intelligent young man," Mom's eyes were slightly wider that normal and the same beaming smile lit her face. She was obviously surprised- and pleasantly so. She glanced up then. "John - take a seat."

I looked up. I hadn't noticed that Dad had been standing behind the sofa, listening to Ryan.

"I couldn't help overhearing," my father said calmly, walking over to the divan where Mom sat, taking a seat beside her. "I wasn't aware that you were in the marketing arena." His tone held interest.

"We've actually been studying your company in my class, sir. I didn't realize until recently what a phenomenal marketing plan you created." He glanced at me and I raised my eyebrows in surprise. This was news. "I guess I hope to create something - or become a part of something as incredible one day. With a lot of hard work and dedication, and maybe a bit of luck, I'm positive I'll be able to achieve it."

My father's eyebrows rose. There was a spark of something in his eyes- the same look he got right before cutting a big deal with investors or selling a large amount of stock in the company. Dad loved talking business.

"I'm very interested in hearing more about your plans... If you can convince me that you are serious and have taken the necessary steps to ensure this goal's outcome, then I'd be very willing to discuss it in more detail. See where I could be of service."

I tried to hide a grin. Ryan's eyes went wide.

"I'd be honored, sir..." He paused and then went on. "In fact, if you're willing, I'd like to speak to you right now so I could ask you something... a question I've had on my mind. We can discuss business too, if you'd like."

"Sounds perfect. Join me and we can go to my office to talk privately." Dad stood up, seeming more at ease now than he had since we had walked in the front door. Ryan glanced at me quickly, shooting me a hidden smile.

"Have fun," I whispered beneath my breath. Inside, I was desperately curious to know what it was Ryan wanted to ask Dad (because he hadn't said a word about talking to Dad since I showed up at the beach yesterday) but I kept quiet. This was between them.

"Oh, and Ryan?" Dad suddenly said from where he had paused by the door. Ryan had just stood up to follow and he looked up expectantly. "There's no such thing as luck," he smiled. Ryan grinned.

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