Spencer Reid x prisoner teen male reader

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Set during season 12 (I'm on it at the minute)

Summary: While in Prison Spencer Reid meets a young prisoner who is in for the murder of his parents, who abused him his whole life. The former FBI Agent becomes his sort-of brother figure to the 18 year old.

Tw: abuse, child abuse, abusive parents, talk of abuse,

Third person pov...

On the way in to the Prison Spencer sat next to a boy who looked more like a kid than a young adult, from looks he had long H/C hair, a round young looking face, innocent eyes which screamed

What confused Spencer the most was why a kid like him was in prison for, intrigued by the boy Spencer started a conversation with him. "Hi there" he whispers, his words made the young scared boy look up at him.

His body language tells Spencer he wasn't treated right most of his life. 'Hunched shoulders, not making eye contact, submissive behaviour, this boy has been abused his whole life and knowone ever knew' thought the Former FBI Agent and Dr.

"Y-yes Dr" came the young boy picking at his nails as he spoke to the man next to him. Spencer eyes widened as he heard the boy call him 'Dr' he hadn't been called Dr since before he was arrested.

The boys eyes widened in horror as he realises what he said, hime begins hyperventilating. "I-im s-sorry I m-meant Sir" he said in a hushed whisper apologising again and again until Spencer stopped him.

The older man smiled at thw young boy making him relax. "It's okay, I guess you know me already, but I'm Spencer Reid" said the Dr his voice calm and inviting.

This made the boy stop shaking, he unhunched his shoulders, and looked at Spencer. "What's your name?" Asked the Dr, wanting to get to know the scared boy next to him.

The boy straightens up and manages a small smile, he was happy about meeting his idol Dr Spencer Reid. "I'm Y/N L/N, sir" he said quietly, before going back go fiddling with his hands.

"I guess you've heard of me?" Asks Spencer, he was hoping to distract thr boy from his nerves by keeping him talking.

The boy nods his head. "Yes sir, I have read everything and seen every news report about you and your team all my life, since you started" Exclaimed the boy before trying to hide his excitement.

Spencer laughs slightly at the blushing boy, who smiled back. "I see so you've been following my team, what do you like about it?" Asks the man

Y/N continues to tell the Dr about how he was interested in profiling and working for the FBI since he came across one of David Rossis books in his town library.

Time skip...

Soon they arrive at the Prison, the Prisoners are forced put of the transport and outside, Y/N stands close next to Spencer and the man stands close to him ready to protect him, lucky them they are put together in a group.

As they walk the young boy follows Spencer through the prison, he had never been in or too one before. As they walk the arrive at a room where they will sleep.

One of the guard come forward. "I will call your name, if I do grab a bed" he yells, as he yells Y/N flinches making Spencer instantly reach out to comfort him.

The guard calls put names he then gets to Y/Ns. "L/N, Reid... ... ... ..." Soon everyone gets a bed, lucky for Spencer and Y/N they managed to get theirs next to each other.

As the day goes on its soon time for food, Y/N and Spencer make their way to The lunch hall and grab a tray of disgusting looking food, and finding a table to sit at. As they sit Spencer starts up a conversation. "So why are you in here?" He asks the kid in front of him.

His casual question makes Y/N freeze in place, his spoon centimetres from his lips, the boy puts it back and once again hunches over himself. "I killed my parents on my 18th birthday, in our home" he says quietly.

His answer made Spencer almost choke on his food, he watches as the boy taps his spoon on the tray. "Why did you do that?" He asks the 18 year old.

Y/N takes a breath before speaking. "Because they beat me my whole life and knowone was able to help me, not the police, not the school, not even social services because they were excellent liars and could get away with anything. Ever since I can remember they hated me they didn't even want me alive, so many times I had to live woth those monsters that once I turned 18 I would kill them I would make them experience what I experiences my whole life, and i did i killed them, i stabbed them until i felt safe enough around them for once in my lif ei was free, free of the hurt, free from thise mosnters and i dont regret it!" Exclaimed the boy his hands trembling as he held his spoon so tightly that Spencer had to take it from him so he didn't do anything to himself with it.

"Y/N! Hey can you hear me, they aren't here okay, your parents are here to hurt you anymore" spoke Soencer firmly to the boy, Y/N snapped out of hid big tears streamed down his face at Soencers words.

Spencer looks at the boy dead in the eyes. "I've only knowne you a couple hours but I can tell that all you ever wanted was someone to care about you, someone who loves you, so I ask let me be that for you, let me be the person to protect you" Says the Dr.

His words make the boys tears fall even faster as the boy reached out a hand to his brother amthe curly haired man reached for the hand and held it tightly he would never let this boy be alone again he swears to protect him.

The end!

Hope you liked this oneshot, as usual sorry for the grammar and Spelling mistakes!

Request are open!

Word count: 1064

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