David Rossi x Son reader

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Another Rossi one because he doesn't have many.

Summary: The team are invited round Rossis mansion for dinner, they all end up meeting his 5 year old Son Y/N.

Third person pov...

The team had planned to have dinner round Rossis mansion on Saturday if they didn't have to work, and great news for them they didn't get called in, So all 6 members are currently on their ways to Rossis.

Only bringing themselves as Rossi was preparing everything even the wine with surprised them as the usual sassy man would tell them to bring their own.

Currently the Italian was dancing around his kitchen picking out the ingredients he will be using for the food he will be making, as he did a little person walks down the stairs just woekn up from  a nap and dressed in a cute dinosaur onesie and let's out a giggle as he sees his Daddy dancing around.

"Haha silly Daddy" Yelled 5 year old Y/N Rossi, Daves son that knowone knows about except Erin Strauss, she helped Dave with keeping Y/N under the radar and from all his fans and from the BAU.

Dave smiles and turns around to see his 5 year son standing on the bottom steps laughing, Dave continues to dance his way over to his son making the toddler laugh again.

As the Dad reaches out to the little boy, Y/N sees his hands and knows hes going to be tickled jumps off the step and runs away from his Daddy giggling like a maniac. Dave has a large smile on his face as he chases after the tiny toddler.

Said tiny toddler runs around the kitchen isle giggling as Dave pretends to be out of breath, the little 5 year old stops running to look a the man pretending to be out of breathe, Dave opens on eye and catches Y/N watching him, the older Italian stand up straight and runs to the little boy caught off guard.

Y/N tried to run but is caught by his Daddy, Dave begins to tickle the light munchkin who got him to run around his kitchen,  "Have a nice nap quello piccolo (little one)"  He asked his son, the H/C child smiled at the man.

 "sì papà un ottimo pisolino (yes daddy, a very good nap)" said Y/N the 5 year old wrapped his arms around his daddys neck as Dave walked around the kitchen making sure the food wasn't burnt.

Dave smiles at his son speaking Italian, Dave tries to talk as much Italian around his son so the young boys knows his language and it has paid off the little 5 year old knows alot more Italian than english, sometimes he forgets to speaks it but Dave doesnt mind he is beyond happy his son speaks Italian.

As the two check on the food Dave turns around to the radio and turns up the volume making his son laugh, the agent then continues what he was doing until his son walked in and distracted him.

He begins spinning and dancing while holding tightly to Y/N so he doesnt fall, he is greeted by the boys joy filled laughter so he continues dancing.

As they dance the dorr bell goes making them aware the team has arrived, Dave then quickly put Y/N down and gave him a push towards the stairs. "Gli ospiti sono qui, vai a vestirti figliolo. (Guests here, go get dressed son)" he whispers to his son, the boy nods and runs up stairs to get changed out of his onesie.

Dave smiles and turns around to the door, as he opnes it he is greeted by all 6 faces of his team, the man welcomes them all in with a smile, Penelope and Derek, JJ and Emily, then Aaron and Spencer, Jack and Henry were left home as it was a team gathering. 

Dave shuts the door and gets everyone to gather round the kitchen isle as he was the one cooking not them, soon the team start chatting like normally, every so second Dave caught himself looking at the stairs waiting for Y/N to come down stairs. 

it seemed he did it to much when Aaron raised an eyebrow. "Whats going on Dave thats the 5th time you've looked at the stairs since we arrived" said the Agent making everyone stop and look at their eldest member. 

Dave signs nothing gets by Hotch. "nothings wrong Aaron, ive jsut got someone to show you all" says the Italian, this makes the other raise their eyebrows, Dave looks at them all before wrinkling his nose. "nothing like that you little shits!" he exclaimed making them all laugh.

The man sighs before standing up and walking to the staircase. "you stay here and ill bring him down" he said before walking up the stairs, he continued grumbling until he got to his sons bedroom.

"Y/N you almost ready?" he asked, he waits before the doors opens and out comes his son, the little boy was dressed in a nice button shirt and blue jeans, his H/C hair was done up. the only thing was his shirt he had buttoned it wrong half of them were undone.

Rossi lets out a laugh and kneels down infront of his son. "good job trying bambino, you could of asked for help" says the older italian before helping his son button up his shirt properly. 

"ready to meet everyone son?" said Dave getting a smile from his son. "yes Papa" said the 5 year old before Rossi takes his little hand and the two begin walking downstairs to the kitchen were the team was.

As they walk down the team stop their conversations and look up, they all gasp in surprise seeing Rossi walking with a young child was not what they expected. Penelope and the woman had huge grins on their faces while Morgan smirked at him.

Hotch had a smile on his face he saw the boy who was obiously Daves son, the elder stands infront of them and pushes the child infront of his gently. the E/C boy looks around him at all the smiling faces.

Ciao, sono Y/N Rossi, ho cinque anni. (Hello i am Y/N Rossi i am 5 years old)" the young boy starts in Itilian but Dave nudges him a smile on his face. "in English Buddy" he reminds the boy making Y/N blush. "Scusa papà (sorry daddy), Im Y/N Rossi and i am 5 years old" he said this time in english.

Hotch smiles at the boy and offers his hand, the boy takes it with a smile. "Hi Y/N im Aaron we work with your daddy" says the man, Y/N gasps in surprise and looks up at his Daddy who smiles, the young boy then sat on a bar stool next to Aaron asking the  team questions about his daddy.

for the rest of the night the team answered Y/Ns never ending questions with smiles as Rossi watched his family meet his son.

the end! hope you liked this one shot, so sorry for not updating for ages, its been a while.

sorry for the grammar and spelling mistakes.

requests are open!

word count: 1224

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