Aaron Hotchner X Autistic Son Reader

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Another request!

Request: Can you do one with a autistic male reader who is the son of Aaron Hotchner and has a boyfriend he wants to introduce his dad to and the reader’s boyfriend is so nice and understanding of the readers needs and will do anything for him. And as a plus Jack absolutely loves the reader’s boyfriend and asks if he’s his new big brother like the reader.

Third person pov...

16 year old Y/N Hotchner was Gay, he had known for years he was Gay and has had a boyfriend for the last two of them.

Currently the two where walking back to Y/Ns, Bf/N laughing at the story he was telling his boyfriend, he then noticed the H/C boy wasn't listening.

Bf/N squeezes his boyfriends hand, the slight pressure brings Y/N back to the present. He looks to his partner, he has a worried look.

He knew Y/N looses himself in his brain sometimes. "You doing okay Love?" He askes, Y/N sighs he couldn't hide anything from him. "Nothing much, I was jsut thinking if we could tell my Dad about us?" He asks, the H/C boy smiles and hugs his partner tightly.

Y/N doesn't do physical contact, he us autistic but like pressure, especially tight hugs which is why he love his boyfriend, they had been friends for years before they stared dating.

When they did Y/N explained to hid boyfriend he was autistic, it didn't bother his boyfriend, instead Bf/N helped him deal with everything.

Every meltdown, shutdown, sensory overload, everything that happened was made better by his boyfriend, Bf/N understands Y/N and will always love him for who he is.

Grinning ear from ear Y/Ns boyfriend let's him go. "Such a wonderful idea love, I would love to meet your Dad as your boyfriend" he exclaims, Y/N grins and kisses him.

Once they arrive at the house, Y/N could feel the nervousness of his Dad reaction to him having a boyfriend, before he could spiral the boy holds the H/C teens hand.

"It'll be okay" he whispers and Y/N finds himself agreeing with him. "Yes it will, come on" he says dragging his boyfriend up to the front door, Y/N then opens the door and is greeted by his Dad and Brother from the living room.

This surprised the teen. "Dad your home early!" He asks the man, Hotch laughs. "Surprise the case ended quickly than usual" he explains.

Bf/N gulps. 'He's an agent' he thinks, just about seeing the man badge in his pocket. The man then notices the new face in his home. "And who is this Y/N?" He asks his son.

Y/N then hods his boyfriends hand and gestures to his Dad. "Can we talk in the kitchen?" He asks nervously, Hotch is confused but gets up anyway.

Once they were sat at the kitchen table. At first Aaron was surprised to find his son standing next to a young man with a warm smile and a genuine twinkle in his eye.

In the kichen his son made the introduction. " dad this is my boyfriend, Bf/N" Says Y/N, Knowing Aaron's son, he felt sure that this young man was special.

Bf/N nervously prepared himself for the parent-boyfriend meeting, he hoped he wouldn't get to interrogated by the agent.

Aaron extended his hand in greeting, expecting to be met with the same tentative courtesy from his son's new beau. But instead he found himself surprised by the young man's confident handshake and steady gaze. As the three of them conversed, Aaron found himself genuinely liking the man.

The two young men grew increasingly comfortable around Aaron, and he found himself slowly relaxing and getting to know more about his son's relationship. As he looked around the gathering, he noticed something else that warmed his heart.

His younger son, Jack, seemed to adore the boyfriend too, and the two were getting along like old friends, while Y/N sat with his dad.

Aaron couldn't remember the last time he'd seen Jack so content and happy. It suddenly became quite clear that the young man sitting in their house was indeed very special.

"Dad" Hotch looks to his eldest son, Y/N had a genuine smile on his young face. "Yes son?" He asks, the boy only smiles and holds his hand out to his dad.

Hotch takes it ams holds it. "Thanks for being so cool about all this" he mutters loud enough for the man to hear, the dad smiles at his son.

"Of course honey, you know I will always support you no matter what" he says, tears gather in the teens eyes at the words. "Do you think mum would be proud?" He askes.

Hotch takes a minute, he looks around the room, Jack and Bf/N playing some kind of pretend game together in the living room, both laughing and smiling like crazy.

He then looks to his son, the boys question was genuine, he wanted to know it Haley would've excepted him. "If course she would son, she loves you nothing would change that"

Y/N breathes a sigh of relief. "Thanks dad" For the rest of the afternoon the Hotchners got to know more about Y/N and his boyfriend.

Jack then runs upto his big brother smiling happily. "Y/N/N, is Bf/N going to be my new big brother!" He asks innocently making the boy blush a bright red his Dad shocked at what his youngest said.

"You little!" Exclaimed Bf/N, grabbing the little boy tightly and tickling him, making the kid squeal with laugher, the whole house end up in laughter.

When the night ended and Bf/N had to go home, Hotch watched from thr door as his son hugged the boy tightly, they kissed Y/N before walked back inside.

As the boy leaves Hotch calls out. "You hurt him, you'll pay" he says gesturing silently to his badge, the teen flinches.

"Y-yes sir!" He yells before almost running hone, Hotch let's out a laugh before closing the door.

The end!

Hope you liked this oneshot, so sorry for thr wait, I've been busy with class, got two weeks until my current project is finished.

As usual sorry for spelling and grammar mistakes.

Request are open!

Word count : 1080

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