Chapter 1

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A/N: This chapter is kind of between the Pot O' Gold episode and The First Time episode

I'm walking the crowded halls of William McKinley High School. Junior year, and I have to start all over at a new school. I held myself with some confidence as I make my way to the office. The women at the desk looks up as she hears me approaching. "Hello. What can I do for you?" She gives me a smile, and I return the gesture.

"I'm new here, and I need to get my locker and class information." I tell her, and she nods her head before turning back to her computer.

"What is your name dear?" She glances up at me.

"Racquel Hardacre," She looks back her computer typing away. She looks a bit frustrated at her computer screen.

I should probably give you a bit more detail about myself before going on. My name is Racquel Hardacre. I am 17 years old and have a great track record. My looks are pretty average. I have long dark brown hair that goes to my hips now, my eyes are a shade lighter of brown, my figure is small, I am 5'5, and I have olive toned skin. That is all you should know right now, but you'll learn more about me later.

"How do you spell your name?" My name isn't THAT hard to spell is it? I tell her how to spell my name, and finally she hands me a sticky note and a piece of paper.

"Thank you," I walk out of the room, and down to the lockers.

I begin to look at all the locker numbers, until I find it. It is the top locker, lucky for me. I put in my combination before I put a couple of extra items into my locker. The first bell rang, so I close my locker. I sigh looking at my timetable for the room number and name of the class. Room 340 College Algebra and Trig, I skipped a year of math so I'm a bit ahead of other Juniors.

I walk down the halls mindlessly, trying to find my classroom. I stop a guy that is the seize of a giant, and looks pretty strong. Kind of intimidating to be honest.

"Hi." He turns around looking at me. "I am sorry to bother you, but can you tell me where Mr. Clippinger's class is at?" I ask him, he looks down at me with a small smile.

"I have that class also, I'll walk with you. I'm Finn Hudson," He sticks his hand out for me to shake. I take his hand and shake it.

"Racquel Hardacre." I release his hand, and we walk fast down the hall to Mr. Clippinger's room. "What year are you?" I ask him trying to make small talk.

"Senior, you?" Finn asks looking down at me.

"Junior," I tell him as we turn a corner that leads to another almost empty hallway.

"What brings you to William McKinley High School?" He actually looks interested in what I had to say, and it makes me feel welcomed for once in my life.

"My dad got offered a teaching job at some private boarding school."

"Wow, so you guys just packed up and moved to Lima a couple of weeks into the school year?" I nod my head at Finn. "What school?"

"Dalton Academy," I answer him, and he looks at me a bit shocked. "What? Have you heard of the school or something? Is it a bad school?" I ask Finn and he shakes his head.

"No, it's just that Dalton Academy has a glee club named the Warblers. They are the second best show choir in the state of Ohio, first is Vocal Adrenaline from Carmel High." I look at him surprised.

"Wait you're in glee club?"

"Ya," he answers me with a bit of nervousness.

"I never would have taken you as a singer or dancer," He just shrugs his shoulders as we enter a classroom. Mr. Clippinger looks at Finn and I when we enter.

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