Chapter 8 (Extraordinary Merry Christmas)

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I walk into the choir room to see everyone with boxes out getting ready to decorate a tree. Mercedes began singing All I Want For Christmas Is You. I'm dancing around with the other girls, as we laugh and cheer. At the end of the song, Mercedes puts a mistletoe above Finn and Rachel.

They kiss making us cheer loudly, and we all laugh. I notice that mostly everyone has someone for the holidays. Sam and Mercedes, Santana and Brittany, Rachel and Finn, Blaine and Kurt, and Tina and Mike. That's over half the class having a date, and it kind of depresses me.

The holidays are always hard for my family and I because my mom. My brother James was suppose to come home for one month, but the school wouldn't allow it. Now he isn't coming home to keep me company during the holidays. This makes me ten times more depressed and lonely.


After school, I'm at my locker putting some of my books away before glee club. I watch couples exchange gifts and kiss under mistletoe. I sigh as I walk into the classroom, to see the girls admiring the tree. I take a seat in the back, taking out my phone. Sam is to my right, and Mercedes is in front of me. I begin to look through all my photos of my family on my phone.

"Everyone listen up. My man, Rory, here wants to say a few," I hear Finn say. Everyone scrambles to their seats and I look at Rory as he's talking, but I'm kind of tuning out. I listen to Rory singing, and suddenly feel sad thinking about my mom.

I sing background with everyone else in their seats. I wasn't paying attention while everyone was talking after Rory's song.

"I've got an announcement. Rory can you take a seat? Now I just got a call from.." Mr. Schue goes on about how we are going to do a TV special and how Artie is going to be directing it. I just kind of tuned out everything after that.


The next day, 12/16/01, the day that changed my family's life and mine. The day I've been dreading most since the month started. You are all probably wondering why well, today is the day my mom's death was. Today is Wednesday, and it's the middle of the last week of school before break. I have to go to school for finals to be done. I dreaded getting up out of bed.

I talked to Mr. Schue yesterday about me not being able to attend any glee club meeting today. He asked me why, and I told him why. I trust Mr. Schue to keep a secret. I just went to school in a sweatshirt, jeans and converse. My hair in a messy bun,my glasses and put coverup on. I avoided everyone at school, and Kurt, Blaine, Finn, Quinn and Rachel have all been trying to text to me, but I've ignored them.

I'm now home in the shower washing away some the tears on my cheeks. I'm getting ready for dinner with my dad, and I'm not really happy about it. I get ready in 20 minutes tops. I walk out of the house, and get into my car. I start the drive to Breadstix where my dad is gonna meet me.

I'm sat in a booth at Breadstix in the corner by myself. I've been here for about an hour, and I even called my dad several times. He said to meet him at Breadstix at 3, and now it's 4:01. I called and text my dad several times, but no answer. It just went straight to voicemail. I decided I will leave before anyone I know sees me and tries to confront me. I go to my car, and drive to Dalton academy.


I'm walking down the halls of Dalton to find my dad. The halls are deserted, since it's like 5 o'clock in the afternoon. I walk past the Warblers room to see the doors are shut, and shouting can be heard. I was a bit curious, but I moved onto my dad's office remembering why I'm here. His door is open and I see my dad looking stressful at papers on his desk. I clear my throat and he looks up. He smiles when he sees it's me, but as soon as he sees my face his smile fades. He knows I'm not happy.

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