Chapter 1 awake

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A/N: I will call Alberu/Claude just Alberu and Choi Han/Felix will be called Choi han but the wmmap characters will call them by the name they know


I felt so tired but I wanted to wake up because I'm pretty sure that I was in a coma for a long time. The bastard warned me about my health decreasing and my body might die so I have to be in a coma for a while to get healthy again. I'm not sure how long I've been asleep for since I couldn't control it but I can go ask someone.

I looked around me, it seems to be one of the secret room in Hyung's castle. I should stand up and get going now. I tried to stand up but it's no use I haven't moved my body in a while so I don't think I can walk properly. I found a cane I can use, so I took that and started to head out the door. Thankfully the castle seems to be the same so I can use my records to find my way some where.

When I almost reached the door, I fell. It seem that I still didn't have much strength. As I tried to get up, I heard someone running toward my door. Then I saw.....

POV: Choi Han

I heard a noise coming from the secret room where Cale-nim is kept. So I decided to rush as fast as I can. I didn't know if it was an intruder or if Cale-nim woke up but I hope it's the second reason.

When I opened the door I saw.

"C-cale-nim! Y-your awake!"

I was tearing up so much. I was so happy that he woke up. Then I hear his voice.

"Choi Han? Is that you? What happened to your hair?and What's the date?" He seems confused

"Yes it's me Cale-nim, I dyed my hair with Roan's magic and it's is the 11th day of the 2nd month in 808 year of the Felix calendar"

"Already? It's been already 24 year! I didn't think I'd sleep that long. Anyways Choi Han how are you and the others? Are the kids doing well? Have they eaten properly? Is there no war? How Alberu?"

"Yes it has been that long. I am very happy right now Cale-nim, the others are doing well as well, Roan and the others are eating well, there is no more wars or hunters and for Alberu we can go see him right now and you could ask him instead."

POV: Cale

"I am very happy right now Cale-nim, the others are doing well as well, Roan and the others are eating well, there is no more wars or hunters and for Alberu we can go see him right now and you could ask him instead."

'I'm hungry. I wonder where the ancient power are. They aren't talking, are they gone? No, that can't be I can still feel them. So why? Well that doesn't matter right now.'

"Yes, let's go see Hyung."

Choi Han carried me on his back since I was too weak to walk.

'Well Hyung here we come!'

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