Chapter 6 Reunion

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POV: 3rd person

"It's nice to see you again, you all are grown up. It also seems like roan is done his third growth."

"Weak human is correct! I the great raon Miru has finished all 3 phases."

Raon was currently busting in tears out of happiness.

"Raon, On and Hong I'd like you to meet Athanasia my daughter and lucas a magician."

Alberu introduced them since he didn't want the two to be left out.

"Uncle cookie crown Prince it's nice to see you again! By the way did you say daughter! Do I have a yeodongsaeng now?"

"Yes Nya! Do we?"

Alberu smiled, he knew they would get along quite well.

"Yes, she is my daughter and your yeodongsaeng Raon."

"Athanasia, this is Raon, the red head is Hong and the girl is On. Raon is a dragon and the other two are from cat tribes.

Alberu casually stops the bomb (guess who he learned from)

"A Dragon!" Athanasia screamed

"Ow, my ear hurts. Calm down."

Lucas was calm he once saw an ancient dragon once so he wasn't that surprised but what caught his attention was the name Raon called the emperor.

"U-uncle cookie c-crown pri-Prince?"

He was laughing to hard, to hard that it was hard for him to breath.

"Ya! We all him that because he was humans sworn brother at first and he gave us a lot of cookies!"

Raon answered him innocently. Choi Han was currently to busy laughing, he hasn't heard that nickname in a while.

"Choi Han shut up before I kick you out."

Alberu just glared at him, he knew Choi Han isn't scared mostly because cale is here.

"Make me, oh! and don't you remember I am still your instructor so you should be nice."

Choi Han smirked at him due to the advantage he has.

"Choi Han?"

Athanasia was confused she hasn't heard a Korean name in a while.

"Yes princess that's my real name."

She was shocked, she also wondered if he also reincarnated or transmigrated.

"I am not a reincarnator or a transmigator if your wondering. I'm a returnee or what gods call me single lifers. Gods will usually call single-lifers and immortals to a world when a world is in danger since these people do not impact other souls even if they move to a different dimension. Although I'm in a different world from mine I still have the same body, the reason why I look more like a Obelian or non Korean is because of Raon-Nim's mana."

She was still a bit confused but happy there is a few people she can talk Korean to.

"Also a dragon!"

Instead of confusion her eyes lit up.

"Of course I'm the almighty dragon!"

"Can I see your dragon form and magic!"

Athanasia really wanted to see a dragon, to think that they had a magical creature.

"Of course anything for my new yeodongsaeng!"

Raon transformed back into his dragon form and showed his magic. Then someone whispered.

"I can do better. Hm"

"Aww Lucas you jealous?"

Athanasia teased him.

"O-of course not!"

Alberu was glad all of them were getting along, then he looked at Cale and hugged him.

"Hyung we can hug later not now."

Alberu frowned, he was happy being called hyung but they were already married now he wanted to feel more like a lover than a brother figure.

"Call me dear darling."

Cale blushed out of embarrassment he was just called darling.

"Come on darling please."

Alberu loved teasing his lover a lot.


Cale never really showed to much affection to anyone unless they were his kids so he was embarrassed.

"See darling it wasn't that hard."

Alberu was so happy hearing that to the point he kissed him on the cheeks.

"Stop flirting, you know we are here right."

Lucas was disgusted at the scene, Athanasia would normally scold him for being rude but currently she was busy playing with her new siblings.

"Cale-nim shouldn't we go to the dark forest to meet the others?"

"Yes, your right we should see them, it's been a while."

A/N: sorry for the late update. I thought I would be able to upload early but to my surprise I had a busy schedule. I was also not feeling to well. I hope you enjoyed todays chapter. Please comment for any idea for me to add to this story like maybe even another crossover in this fic.

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