Quiet Moment

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It started with just the idea of them saying things to each other and it turned into a one-shot about their second date. And I just realized that it was Valentine's that time which was totally coincidental. Anyway, please do enjoy! Oh and flustered Emma :3



There they stood before the door to her parent's place. Basically it was also hers but, really, she needed to have a place of her own.

There she stood, looking a bit interested at her shoes. Or maybe the floor. Whichever. As long as it meant not laying eyes on the dark-haired pirate standing in front of her. Her heart quickened at the thought of the dashing pirate who was most probably looking at her with those too blue eyes.

Tonight was a disaster. Somewhat. After the Snow Queen was defeated, the town quickly fell into a bliss. Everything returned to normal. Aside from a few damages here and there, the town was peaceful once again and people were acting as if nothing happened, as if the curse that sent them fighting against each other didn't happen.

"A quiet moment, Swan." he said with a small smile on his face. Her heart suddenly beat fast. An unexplainable feeling setting on her stomach. The way he looked at her sincerely, the way he sat anxiously, the way his lips trembled slightly, the way his fingers curled and uncurled repeatedly. She knew it was something

"So we have to cherish it together. Preferably tonight." he added.

She raised an eyebrow at his statement. She needed to make sure. She didn't want to make assumptions after all.

"Are you asking me on a date?"

"Aye. I did promise a second one."

"I remember you just simply stating that we should have another date." she challenged him

His smirk grew and his eyes darkened.

"And I remember you saying yes to my question."

She recollected her thoughts for a moment before shaking her head. "No, I didn't. I actually did this..."

She leaned forward and pressed her lips to his. She could feel him grinning against her lips as he angled his head to deepen the kiss.

She bit her lip . That kiss was just... embarrassing. She could remember the scowl on Granny's face and Ruby's knowing smirk and pairs of eyes on them. Her face grew hot. God, she wished she could just disappear at that moment. They had immediately walk out of the diner and started walking together towards nowhere. It wasn't until the afternoon that she got the chance to go back home and ready herself for the night.

From the moment their date started, it was already wrong. They decided to use Emma's car instead of walking. To her dismay, the car suddenly broke down. It had something to do with the engines, Emma guessed since she was never really good with machines and since the man standing beside her was no 21-century man. So they walked instead.

For their second date, Killian decided to go simple. And probably one of the best ways to her heart. Pizza. It turned out he had no idea what pizza was and Emma had to do the job of acquainting the pirate with the dish. Their meal together went well. Killian who was complaining at how weird pizza was was now gobbling up his sixth slice with a big grin on his face. Emma laughed at the man's reaction. Oh, how adorable he looked.

That was until someone passed by and knocked the waiter who was handling a tray with glasses of water. It spilled on Killian who yelled at the sudden splash of cold water. Good thing he still wore his leather jacket so his shirt wasn't completely soaked. They found out later on that the man who knocked he waiter was Will Scarlet. Emma wanted to kill that guy. She should really tell him to just stay at home whenever Killian and her would go on a date.

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