Shut Up And Dance

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This had been sitting in my files for a while now (by that I meant like almost two months) so I decided to continue it because I just had a spur of inspiration. I hope you guys enjoy this :)


Killian walked up the stairs leading to Swan's place. He watched the basket hanging on his hook, carefully lifting it to avoid it from hitting the steps. He almost got another rose for tonight then he realized he already got her one during their first date. And he didn't want to be predictable.

He smiled at the thought of Emma in that pink dress. How beautiful she looked that night. But then she had always looked beautiful to him. He wondered what she would wear tonight. Actually he didn't really care. He knew she would look good in everything.

Knock! Knock!

He hid the basket behind his back, remembering their first. He waited patiently as he heard voices from the other side. He heard a shuffle by the door. When the door opened, he looked up, meeting a pair of sea green eyes. She wore that white shirt, a turtleneck she once told him, pants they call jeans and those boots. His eyes trailed up to look at her beautiful face.

"You look lovely, Swan." he smiled.

She looked up at him gingerly under those long lashes. He certainly didn't miss the blush tinging her cheeks. He smirked. He knew he had that effect on her. As much as she had an effect on him, especially with that adorable confused look on her face.

"I wear this everyday." she replied.

"Well, Swan, that means you look lovely everyday."

He grinned as the blush deepened and she looked away looking anywhere but at him, her face red and flustered. He watched as she tried hard not to meet his eyes. His mind was pulling her in , asking her to look at him with those eyes. Until she finally gave in and lifted her gaze to his ocean blue eyes. His breath got caught. He found himself floating in those green eyes. Suddenly, he wanted to just pull her in and take her in his arms and take in her scent and just kiss her senseless. It would have been alright if it wasn't for the presence of her parents in the room, especially the Prince who was now standing behind Emma.

"Evening, mate."

"Good evening, Hook." David greeted him, every word laced with fatherly protectiveness.

"Well, Emma and I were just talking and..." Eyes intently on David, he bowed a little, uncovering the thing behind his back as he did.

Emma's eyes widened and she placed all the pieces together. That was why he asked her to wear something comfortable. He was actually setting up a picnic for the two of them. And what was he wearing? It wasn't his usual black pirate shirt, but a plain white button down shirt under that leather jacket of his.

"It's okay, Dad. Tell Mom I already went out. I'll be alright."

She pleadingly looked at David, asking him not to worry much about her. Well, she knew she couldn't blame him. His daughter was going on a date with a pirate. Who wasn't going to fret about that? She kissed David on the cheek and smiled when she saw his eyes softened as he handed her her red jacket and said goodbye.

When the door closed behind her, her stomach dipped because she realized that she was alone with him. Out of he corner of her eyes, she could see that he was looking at her as she put her jacket on. She smiled at him and he smiled back, gesturing for her to go first. Yes, she was relieved that finally David stopped giving them the talk but now that she was with him she was nervous as hell.

Shit! She didn't expect it to be this cold outside. She shook her head and push her hands into her pockets.

"Picnic, huh?" She looked back at him.

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