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     I walked around in the woods and I could sense that someone was looking at me. I was scared. What if it was a werewolf looking for me to get revenge? I started running back to my Jeep when out of nowhere I was pulled from behind with a hand on my face trying to cover my mouth. I hear their voice saying '' they're here '' keep your mouth shut '' I recognized their voice it was Derek hale my high school crush and frenemy.

    Out of nowhere I heard a roar and the werewolves started running. I turned around and asked him who they were and Derek said " are you okay? '' I said I'm fine, but who are they? and why are they looking for me? '' I don't know. '' '' I was listening to your heartbeat,  I knew you were scared and when I was getting closer I smelled them. '' '' Let's get out of here before they come back '' okay my Jeep is this way i pointed and Derek walked behind me. Thank you for saving my ass '' You're welcome '' Derek mumbled.

    We got in the Jeep and I said, " Do you want me to take you home? '' Derek "NO!'' He shouted and I turned my head to look at him. He says '' I'm sorry ''  he noticed I was shaking and says '' let me drive '' with a firm tone of voice* I say '' okay '' still shaking. He started driving and I noticed he wasn't going in the right direction. I said '' This isn't the way to my apartment. He says '' we're going to mine. ''  '' I need to make some calls and make sure you're safe. ''

We arrived at his apartment. He opens my door and asks me if I need help. I said '' No, I'm fine thanks. ''  we walked in, and he asked me if I was hungry. I said '' No I'm okay, thanks. '' He replied '' I'll order some food,  I know you're hungry. '' Awkward silence*.                                                  

'' I have to take a shower, so I ordered some Chinese food. Hopefully it will arrive when I finish.'' Derek says. '' Sure. '' stiles says. 20 minutes passed* Is the food here? Stiles? Derek walks to the living room and sees stiles sleeping on the couch. He stared at him for 5 minutes before hearing the knock on the door. He rushed to the door and the knocking woke up stiles.

    He was confused and walked to the front door when he saw Derek with a wrapped towel around his waist and his hands carrying the food. '' Need some help? '' Stiles says, looking up and down. Derek replied '' yes, bring me my wallet please. '' Stiles rushed to Derek's room to look for his wallet. '' Found it '' Stiles shouted. '' Here '' Stiles says '' my hands are full, pay him and leave him a tip. '' Derek says '' Okay '' stiles says.

    When stiles opened Derek's wallet something fell out he paid the delivery and closed the door. He picked up the paper and it was a photo of him. Derek shouted, '' are you coming? '' Stiles didn't answer. Stiles kept looking at the photo of him that was in Derek's wallet.

    Hey, what 's up? Derek asks. Stiles hands him the picture. Derek takes the picture and looks at it. He raises his head to look at stiles. '' I can explain...'' Derek says.

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