His Mother's Son

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''He is like his mother." Sheriff stilinski says. "What do you mean?" Derek asks. "When Stiles was a baby, his mother had this ability. She could read people's minds and control them. I first noticed her ability when Stiles was months old. She somehow knew what he wanted and how he wanted it. At first I thought it was her mother's instinct. But it got worse when I found out she got him to sleep by just saying "Go to sleep." Stiles somehow falls asleep in less than 5 seconds." Sheriff stilinski says.

"I asked her about it and she told me everything. At first I thought she was crazy until she read my mind and told me what I was thinking. We agreed to not use her ability with Stiles and she was perfectly fine with it. As Stiles got older I noticed she never stopped using them, in fact Stiles was always confused. Before I could say anything she told me "yes i use it on him" I never trusted her with stiles. As the years went by she started getting crazy. She had headaches and she didn't make any sense and rarely slept." Sheriff stilinski says.

"We went to the doctor to see what was happening to her and they didn't find anything. She was losing her mind and I couldn't help her. One day I went to work and when I came back I found her deceased on our bed. I covered up her death with a sickness called "frontotemporal dementia," Sheriff Stilinski says.

"I did my best to keep stiles from the truth but it wasn't enough. Stiles didn't get that ability randomly, his mother passed it on to him." Sheriff stilinski says." Sheriff stilinski says.
"But how did he survive?" ''I mean his neck got snapped and his spine was broken. Nobody could survive that.'' Melissa Says. "They bit me," Stiles says. "Who bit you?" Sheriff stilinski says. "Two werewolves, one of them had red eyes and the other had orange-ish eyes with some kind of veins," Stiles says. "Are you sure?'' Derek says, rubbing Stiles's face. "Yes, i'm sure" stiles says, smiling at Derek.

"They were saying weird things like " You're gonna be the most powerful creature "before they bit me, and "Remember me when you come back." Stiles says. " That still doesn't explain how you survived that." Sheriff stilinski says. "It's beacon hills after all nothing stays dead" Melissa says.

Stiles started covering his ears and screaming "stop! Please make it stop." They all got worried and tried to calm him down. But Stiles was overwhelmed by all the things he could hear at the same time. "I need to get out of here, please get me out." Stiles said. Stiles was having an anxiety attack. "I will get you out of here" Derek says, carrying Stiles in his arms. When they were getting out of the hospital, Stiles fainted. They went back to his room and Melissa started checking him. He was pale and his skin was grayish.

Melissa tries her best to figure out what was happening to him. Stiles wakes up and starts staring at Melissa. "Stiles are you okay?" They all asked. Out of nowhere Stiles grabbed Melissa's arm and pulled her closer and....

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