Part 2

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“Okay,” I say with a sigh, “let’s hear it. It’s bad isn’t it?” Sunny wouldn't look me in the eyes. Yeah, it was bad.

“So she…told me some things recently. About the two of you.”

“Uh-huh.” I kept us standing in my living room, but now I was feeling all kinds of nervous energy. Do I sit, do I stand, do I pace? What do I do with my hands? Why won’t Sunny look me in the eyes?

“She said that you,” A long pause and color started to flush her cheeks. “She said that you wanted to dominate her,” she finished in a rush, the last few words almost jumbled into one.

Okay. This could be worse. “That’s…not quite accurate.” I start. I pause for a second, “Wait, Amy spoke to you about this?! When?”

“Almost a month ago, I think. Look, I know this has got to be super awkward, and I don’t really know why I’m doing this, but I can’t stop thinking about you like that.”

You could hear a pin drop in my head. I mean…what?! She was breathing hard now too. Her pupils were dilated, and she was shifting her weight from foot to foot.

“Sunny,” I paused, “why don’t you come sit down for a minute, okay?” I held a hand out to her, and she grabbed it like it was a life line. I gently tugged her along to my couch and sat us down. “Alright, I have to admit I wasn’t expecting that.” I looked her in the eyes, “Are you alright?”

Her head bobbed up and down, and her grip on my hand tightened. “Look,” she said, “I know you and Amy have been together for a while now, and she’s told me about, you know,” she waved her hand airly, “the sex, and how good it was, and how attentive you are, and now,” she swallowed nervously, “now, she hasn’t touched you since you told her about your kinks.”

She pulled her hand away and started fidgeting with her fingers. “And I thought how it was just so unfair that she has this great guy and all, but she won’t try to accommodate his needs,” she finished quietly.

“But,” I prompted.

“Well, I have needs,” Sunny said looking at me finally. She pulled off her sweater revealing an almost non-existent black lacy bra. “And I need what Amy doesn’t want.”

God damn I was getting hard. I had caught glimpses of Sunny since I first met her, and I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t masturbated to a fantasy version of her in my mind. Putting her in a collar and chains. Putting her wrists and ankles in restraints. Hearing the phantom Sunny beg me for release. Only able to fantasize about how her body felt, or what she sounded like when she came.

Fuck. Fuuuuuck.  FUCK.

Where was Amy?! Stringing me along for her ‘Gram. Making us look like we’re some kind of power couple for likes? I haven’t touched myself in a month, in the hopes that she and I would regain some sense of normalcy, but she was off doing anything but me. And now…

Now, here’s Sunny. This hot, curvy little sex bomb, and she’s throwing herself at me. She wants me. She wants me. Goddammit, I want her too.

I turned to her as she sat there, chest heaving like she ran a marathon, “Sunny. Sunny, I don’t know what I should say. I know what I want to say. I want to say, ‘Go into my bedroom. Take off your shoes and pants, and bend over the edge of my bed.’ That’s what I want to say.” I stood from the couch, my erection swelling in my pants. “What do you want me to say Sunny?”

“I want you to say those things to me,” she said. “Alright,” I replied. I turned to the door and locked it, engaging the dead bolt. “And what should I call you if I say those words to you?”

“I want you to call me Princess,” she said looking at me. I walked back to her, towering over her still sitting on my couch. “And is Princess a good girl, or a bad girl?” “Princess is a good girl.” I held my hands out to her, and helped her stand. “Then be a good girl Princess, and go to the bedroom. Take off your shoes and pants, and bend over the edge of the bed.”

“Yes sir,” she all but moaned. She turned and scampered into my bedroom.

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