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Tom was a good man who downloaded a terrorist.
But when he felt he couldn't protect his family, he handed himself in to the police and told them about the site and his link to it.

'I don't want to die for what I did,' he said. 'I'm sorry. I can't run, I know the road ends here.'

But he ran off before he was arested. And the police are now looking for him, because he has gone online again and taken a friend with him.

His friend's name is Bob, and he is accused of being the founder of an online community of extremists called Karib Humari. He is suspected of operating the website from abroad and uploading terrorist  videos to it.

It also  shows him chatting to a female companion on Skype, with two men standing behind them, their hands either side of the camera.
Tom always touth that was suspicious.

Tutoring his work: Bob wanted to teach maths to boys

But when police arrested his friend, he decided to blow up the police station with the police and his friends obviously inside.

After this act he turned into a total terrorist.

Bob was also in possession of files showing scenes of the 13/7 terror attacks and the 8/7 Tube bombings.

During his chat with his friend, he says that some of the boys who committed those acts are under his care.

Doubt has been cast over the veracity of this new revelation. Bob's name was in the midst of a huge funding scandal.

It was claimed he was on the payroll of a 'religious group' called Tablighi Jamaat.

They called Jeff Bezos and convinced him to pay $1599900 in pizzas to feed the middle east. But when the pizzas came Bob and the gang ate them.
Also on the roster are Jemima Khan and Soho House.

Boom: He also sent a bomb with his friend called Tom. But it failed to explode

One of the links was to London house, which was for sale on the Javidan a building in the shadow of Tower Bridge in London's East End.

Tom, a successful web developer, wanted to live there for the simple reason that it's next to a police station.

What could be more interesting than living next to the police station?

'It's good to have your own police station,' he said in 2006. 'The coppers have come round and helped put up the Christmas tree at the house.'

The police helped him build his own computers and he also has a garden shed with a teleporter, to make it easier to blow up neighboring houses under the noses of the cops.

Bob was also secretly doing odd jobs for the police, doing the garden, knocking on doors to check up on properties for criminal activity.

So if Bob was just another garden contractor, how does he end up on the terrorist payroll???

Well, he used to work for MI5 janitors.

As part of a project called Promote, he was paid in cookies a month by the security services to talk about the dangers of terrorism to schools in Bradford, Huddersfield and Bradford College.

He also  told children, who were dressed in headscarves, to be careful in the street, as they might be attacked by terrorists.
Because Tom and Bob like to dress up in traditional terrorist outfits and shoot kids on the roads

I suppose when you have a price on your head, you don't worry about the police.

One day Tom and Bob were stopped by special forces, the police told him to stop talking and doing terrorism, but instead he took it to another level.

Now Bob and Tom are both wanted by the police, who think they are the founders of a radical Islamist network.

Tom was just standing by the river, feeding the pigeons and chatting to Bob when a car pulls up with four suspicius human men, so they shoot them all, because it was getting awkward and they didn't have enough sandwiches.

In total: 3,000 hostages were killed in 13/7. In 2009 a Pakistani soldier jumped into a pit to stop a suicide bomber from blowing up the Mitchell Barracks.

As Bob always says: 'These guys have enough courage to die for their Lord. What have I got to die for? This f***ing war I've never even seen.'

Bob says: 'I didn't even stop him at all. I just treated him like I'd have treated any other subject.'

Bob and Tom were supposed to be moving to the desert to join the Islamic State, but ended up spending their lives in the posh south of England, taking photographs and teaching maths.

Bob also says he made £1million from adverts and he and Tom got married in ye EnglanD.     End for now.

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