Step 2: Toms big Day

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Tom awoke one day of the year to discover that a big man in a red suit was having a big party on the beach behind the lighthouse.

At first he was very pleased that he was going to be part of the big celebration, but the bigger he got, the more disappointed he became. The big man in red only invited big people and Tom was very small. The day ended up with Tom getting so cold and hungry that he thought that he was going to die. Then he decide he will get a penis enlargement so he will be biger to.

He tried everything he could think of to get a penis enlargement. He asked the local doctor, the chief of police, and even the newspaper owner for one of their big penises. He tried some herbal remedies, food products, steroids, vitamins, drugs, and even wrote a letter to the President asking for a chance to fight in the big fight of the year in Washington D.C. Tom decided that he would not go with the small penis any longer.

His neighbors are all big and he did not want to look small.

After all he was a big man. He took a big hit and ran for the nearest cave. He kept some of the cocaine in the cave, and it was quite a surprise that he was able to acquire a big enough penis.

The big fight came. A big man from Arizona had big aspirations. He wanted to be on the front of the fighter on television. Tom had to be able to give a strong punch to be able to be seen by the television camera. It was easy to find big bones. Big bones helped you run faster. Tom decided to give big a try and he won the big fight of the year. The big fighter was happy to give Tom his big blue belt that he used for a belt buckle.

Tom was thrilled to win the big fight. He was proud of his big penis and wanted everyone to know about it.

His friends all took the prize and he did not have to fight any more big fights, and he was quite proud of that. He was a big man and his friends were big men too. They all agreed to take turns getting bigger.

Tom was happy for the big fight he won. He would never have to fight another big person ever again. He will now beat up only midgets and small children. The only fight he has left now is to beat up a big day. He was glad he got his big penis and big blue belt, but he could not get big day.

Is big really better?


Next day Tom was running like a big man in the big field behind his house. He was surprised when he was gaspin for hellp after running for a long time.

A couple days later Tom came home from work and found a man in a suit standing at his front door. Tom told him he did not do anything for him, but the big man in a big suit did not seem to care.

The man in a suit said, "If you do not come to my big house right away, I will kill you!"

Tom ran in the direction of the big man's house and found a tunnel entrance. Tom followed the tunnel to the top of a giant hill. He knew that he would never make it to the top if he kept going the other way. Tom pulled out a handgun and shot at the entrance. He was very happy that the gun worked as a gun and not as a mushroom. Tom was very happy that he did not get eaten. He just killed a barbarian and saved his gun. Tom was hungry so he dug a hole and crawled into it.

The barbarian had been dead for a long time. Tom was hungry and the barbarian was big, and Tom was small. Tom was surprised when he woke up in a cave. It was very dark in the cave. Tom could not figure out where he was and it felt like he had been there for a long time. After a while Tom could not feel his legs anymore. He was scared because he did not want to be a barbarian any longer. He was sad that he was no longer a man. He wished he could tell his wife that he was killed by the barbarian.

Some time later Tom heard people talking about his big penis and big blue belt. He was wondering what had happened to him. He had to run for his life because the people were looking for someone. Tom came out of the hole and ate the barbarian and whent to the suit mans big home. He asked if he could sit down for a little while.

The big man put a gun in Tom's hand and asked him what he was doing here. The suit man told Tom he was not his friend. The suit man said he was just a barbarian that did not know what to do with a big penis and big blue belt.

"If you want me to beat up a little boy, that is fine, but I do not like to be called a big man. It is not a very nice name for a Tom man. I want you to kill a little boy and take the little boy's little blue belt, and your blue belt, and your big blue belt, and your little blue belt, and your big blue belt, and your little blue belt, and your big blue belt, and your big blue belt. That is what I want you to take from you, that is what I want you to give to me."

Tom knew he was ok with that. Tom started looking for little boys that were trying to take his little blue belt.

Sometimes life is really hard to understand and you really need your big penis and blue belt to help you get through the day.

Happy times.

Tom was back to normal, happy, happy, happy.

To read the new stories in the Tom and Bobby Series,

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1. Go to a Brazilian Bar

2. Eat Sushi at Hantang

3. Order Chocolate Mousse in a Cups


This story is about the little boy being very hungry, and trying to find food.

A bar in Seoul is a place where there is a lot of sex and drugs. It is not a very nice place. A lot of people are going to buy drugs and then have sex.

A bar is a place where there is a lot of cocain, drugs, guns, murders, and guns.

A bar is a place that is Toms best place !

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