Step 3: Toms grandpa

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Ahh Tom - he woke up in a bar in Seoul after a big hangover . When BoB called Tom and told him that BoB and his family had a card game for him, he flew off on one of Tom's jet skis. When BoB gave Tom the directions to the hotel - When he arrived Tom just opened a cabinet and took out two machine guns that he just happened to have. BoB saw Tom's guns and decided that this might be the place for Tom to show his true colors. BoB pulled out one of his guns and a knife and they all just took some seats. Tom kept a straight face throughout the whole scenario - showing off his gun and his knuckles like some grandpa seeing his grandchild off to kindergarten. Bob remembered that Tom had a grandfather who was close to death in a retirement home, so he went to pick him up with a forklift. Tom slowly opened the door for grandpa and a knuckle knife that BoB showed him on the table.

After they left, Grandpa let Tom keep his gun. Grandpa put his knife on Tom's bed. He also left BoB with a feeling of amazement because he knew that when they got back to the States. Tom would put it in his grandpa's knuckles. Tom didn't know if he was getting rid of grandpa or giving Bob a chance to take back grandpa.

So when BoB went to buy liquor for Tom's grandpa, he found Tom's gun on Tom's grandpa's bed. Tom thought that Bob might get a hold of grandpa's gun, so he went to the school and showed off his gun. While there, Tom picked up grandpa's other gun and shot it in the air. BoB then showed Tom his gun and grandpa's gun. He went into the school canteen and shot it in the air. Tom showed his gun to the other students, all the students were scared and delusional while Tom was laughing like a psychopath and shouting in Spanish.

Once Tom was done showing his gun to the students, he left. Grandpa and Tom got into the car with BoB and his brothers, Tom started driving. He just needed to get away from everything and take grandpa's guns. Grandpa kept screaming like he was dying from the blood. After a while, the police pulled Tom over and BoB told him to stop and get out of the car. The police ran over to the car and they ran over to grandpa. When they got to grandpa, they saw that he had been shot in the head. His body was lying in the middle of the road, with blood covering him. Everyone knew that Grandpa died instantly because it was almost impossible for someone to live after being shot in the head with a bullet.

Tom turned back towards BoB's car and shot right obove his head and killed the assassin . After shooting the killer, BoB's brother kept shooting at him - telling Tom that if they had better die like their grandfather. When the killer fell to the ground, BoB walked back to his car and told Tom that they needed to get out of this town. Tom told BoB that he should just kill him and leave him in the parking lot. The police wanted to put handcuffs on Tom. BoB told them that Tom was too big of a bulldog to kill - and that he would just rip the handcuffs off of Tom. BoB ran back to the car. He was left alone in the parking lot. Tom followed him and they both sat in the car and started drinking. Tom told BoB that he was upset about his grandpa dying.

BoB told BoB and Tom that he was upset that the killer died like a coward. BoB couldn't believe what he was seeing. He thought that he was just dreaming. The people who were shooting at BoB and Tom were shooting at grandpa 's barn, and the killing that BoB was doing was to take back grandpa's guns. BoB figured that Tom would only stay in the car if grandpa was killed. When Tom got out of the car, BoB noticed that he had blood on him. BoB told Tom that it was obvious that his grandfather had died. BoB and Tom set the wrecked car on fire and flee to Mexico. Tom told BoB that he needed to stay here and protect Bob from the FBI. After they fled, Tom and BoB got into a sheep truck and headed for BoB's home. While riding on the way, BoB asked Tom if they should take blood from their sheep to mix with the blood of Grandpa's sheep. Tom told BoB that BoB should keep their blood separate. Tom told BoB that blood from their family would only help the FBI. After Tom said that, BoB went into a loud crying rage. BoB kept screaming at Tom about the blood of their family. Tom decided that BoB would never be a sheep again. BoB started crying even louder. Tom could not take BoB's constant crying and screaming. He told BoB to stop crying, but BoB kept crying. Once BoB and Tom got to there hide out, Tom gave Bob blood and Bob stopped crying.

The FBI heard about the shooting. The police knew that the killers were not from the States. Tom got in a car and went to the hospital. He went to the blood bank and asked if they had blood from the hospital. He pretended that he was one of the doctors and they put him into the hospital. Tom told the other doctor that the hospital was on lockdown and that he needed blood. Tom went to a patient and took blood from him. The doctor was surprised that Tom knew how to use the needle. After he took blood from the patient, he left and took the blood to the hide out. He mixed in the blood from the dead guy to get blood that was already mixed in with the blood from the sheep. The blood looked like blood mixed with blood, but they didn't know for sure. They were not sure whether to call it blood.

The next day, Tom and BoB got into a car and headed for USA. They were on a high hill. BoB started crying and telling Tom that the people in the hospital were people like them and they were nice and loved their grandpa and that the killers were sheep. BoB told Tom that they needed to leave and let the world rest. They fled to USA, and found a house where BoB found a girl who was bleeding from the head. BoB took the girl to the hospital. After they got out of the hospital, BoB asked the girl if she knew where they could find a sheep truck. The girl told BoB that they could find one at the airport. BoB told her that she was stupid and that he should give him her phone number. BoB told the girl that they needed to wait at the airport for the bus to the bus station and told her to call them. When the girl took her phone, Tom had taken her number. Tom then called Tom's mom and told her that BoB wanted to stay there, so BoB and Tom went into the car. The FBI started chasing them, but BoB drove around a corner and broke the roof off of the car. Tom and BoB took off running through the airport. The FBI had decided to put their plane into a dive to get Tom and BoB. Tom grabbed a gun and shot the plane. The plane crashed into the airport building. Tom ran into one of the hangars and pulled out a rifle and started shooting the FBI. The FBI retreated and ran into the airport building. The FBI and FBI agents had climbed down from the top of the airport building. When the plane exploded.

Tom and BoB sat on the roof of the airport. BoB cried and told Tom that they were sheep and that he couldn't live like a sheep anymore. BoB told Tom that the sheep can't live like a human being. They can't live like a person can live and have the freedom of going wherever they want. BoB wanted to leave because he loved the slaughterhouse, and the other human beings there. He liked the smell of the fresh meat so he jumped down from the roof to his death.

Tom had a gun and started to chase down the survivors. He found Bob and watched Bob's death. Tom started crying and ran around the airport. Tom started to walk in the woods when he heard a noise.

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