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Tom suddenly woke up after elecrecuting his balls and splattering blood all over Tom's lucky shoes. He looked around, but nothing was there. "Strange..." Tom said in shock, clutching his swollen balls. Tom moved his hands and looked at his crotch.

Tom suddenly raised his eyebrows in surprise. He couldn't believe his own eyes. Tom pulled his pants up and looked into his pants, then frowned in disgust.Tom pulled out his wallet and saw a huge unicorn straddling a train conductor. Tom smiled with tears of joy in his eyes. "Train off," Tom yelled as he ran to the door. Tom broke the window with his unicorn train conductor and jumped into the train. Tom rode the train all the way into the morning. The train kept speeding through the night and splashed blood everywhere. Tom was ecstatic and couldn't stop smiling. Tom pulled up his pants, opened the cabine door in search of a belt. He walked through the door and saw a half naked doctor performing oral sex on the mailman. Tom couldn't believe his eyes. "Damn doctor, couldn't get me in the box!" Tom said to the mailman. Tom started walking up to them, then he began punching the doctor in the face and kicking the mailman in the chest. "Don't come near me ever again!" Tom yelled.Tom ran away, down the hall to the train. Tom ripped the train conductor's pants off and punched him in the face. Tom slammed the conductor's head against the cabine door, then Tom pulled his train conductor's pants down and started poking his unicorn. The train conductor finally woke up. He covered himself with his hands, trying to cover up the unicorn with his body. Tom suddenly realized what he was doing and turned away in horror. "Why am I doing this to myself?" Tom said, shaking his head in disgust.Tom ran back to the doctor and punched him in the face. "You're fucking disgusting!" Tom yelled. Then Tom ran back to slam the conductor's head onto the cabine door. Tom punched him and kicked him on the floor. The train finally slowed down and Tom could hear yelling and screaming. Tom walked over to the door and saw the unicorn standing next to him. Tom smiled as the unicorn licked his shoe.Tom walked back to the cabine door and ran his hands through his hair. Tom opened the door and screamed. "FUCK!" Tom yelled as he stared at the train conductor lying on the floor next to the doctor. "Tom?" Tom turned to see his long lost train conductor."Holy shit," Tom whispered, rubbing his long wallet . Tom stood next to the doctor and smiled. Tom grabbed his shoulder and looked at his old conducter."Thank god you're alive," Tom said to the old train conductor, "Oh god..." Said the conductor after seeing what has happen. Tom with tears in his eyes ran his hands all over the old conductor. "You mentally okay?" asked the condoctor."You're fucking crazy, you're fucking crazy," screamed the conducter as he tried to get away from Tom. Tom grabbed the old conductor and dragged him along to the next cart. "Sit down," Tom said to the old conductor.Tom took the old conductor's belt off, then slapped the conductor hard in the face. "Don't you ever touch me," said Tom as he ran to the next cart with his new belt and long pants.Tom grabbed his jeans and looked at his belt, then he smiled. "Belt back on," Tom yelled. Tom snapped the belt around his waist and pulled up his long pants. Tom sat down next to his new friend, who was screaming in horror."Oh my god," Tom said in excitement, "Now we're gonna get off this damn train CJ." Tom slapped CJ on the back and smiled as he sat next to him. Tom went to the next door, sat down on the next seat and began pulling on the door. Tom ripped the door open as he smiled. "Ready to get out of this fucking box," Tom yelled.Tom pulled on the door and fell down into the next car. "Wow," Tom said in amazement. Tom stood up and opened the door, then he saw Tom in shock. Tom saw Tom running out of the car with his mouth wide open in shock. Tom stared at Tom for a few moments, then he realized what he saw. He was replaced by a clone. Or was he the clone?"What the fuck happened to Tom," Tom screamed in rage. Tom suddenly realized what he had done. He stared at the train door and ripped it open. Tom took off his pants, and got up in a fury. "I fucking lost my fucking train conductor and now I lost my fucking pants," Tom said as he looked at his destination.Knock knock.Who is there?Fuck you.Tom yanked open the train door and looked into the engine. The entire train was covered in sweat, with the conductor lying on the floor in agony.Tom looked at the conductor and screamed in pain. "YOU FUCKING TROLL! How could you do this?" Tom said in rage.Tom looked at the conductor in agony. He felt guilty and ashamed for what he had done. "I'm sorry," Tom said as he fell down into the distance.Tom stood up and ripped his pants off his as.Duck Sandwich the third and his train conductor stood in the distance."You're gonna pay for this you fucking asshole," said Duck Sandwich the third to his Train conductor."But I don't remember doing it," said Train conductor."Ah so you're my brainwashed ass," Duck Sandwich said as he smashed the conductor's head in.Tom looked at the train conductor's head and screamed in horror. "Oh god, oh god," Tom said as he watched the man die in the cold blood. Tom felt a rush of anger, then fear, then sadness, then pain as he ripped off his underwear and kicked Duck Sandwich in the face with his bare foot."Go fuck yourself you fucking idiot," Tom said as he rubbed his sore bare foot.Tom looked at his dick in awe, then he smiled and looked back to the conductor's dead body. Tom lifted his bare leg and kicked the corpse again and again. Then Tom finally has enough and jumps of the train with his sandwich.THE ENDModern DayEugene sat in a lawn chair with a beer and the TV remote control in his hand. He sat watching basketball and scoffed at how stupid people could be. Suddenly, he heard a sharp cracking sound in the distance. Suddenly, he heard a loud caw. Eugene sighed in boredom and walked towards the END.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24 ⏰

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