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I've been missing for three days. I can tell because there's a tiny, high window in here. I've kept myself awake since they threw me in here and locked the door. But that's all I know. I assume the secret service hasn't gotten a wink of sleep. Considering my safety is their most important gig.

My father's in the mafia
He's not just some dealer, he's the leader. You may be wondering "how did you get kidnapped? Don't you have guards or someone to watch you?" well, if you're thinking I just hopped in someone's car like an idiot, You're wrong. I was going to visit my grandmother in Arizona. She hasn't been feeling too good these past few days. So, like the caring person I am I decided to postpone my plans for the week so I could take care of her and help her feel better.

Those plans were later interrupted by this 'mystery person' whom I assume to be a man literally out of the blue drugging me and throwing me in their trunk. I can tell

The room I am in, which, I'm assuming is a basement, contains one king sized bed and a big bathroom and a few bookshelves that contain books, obviously.

It's very well decorated for a captivity room but I'm not complaining.

A loud, eerie creak of the door shakes me out of my thoughts making me look in the direction of the noise.

A tall figure walked in with a tray full of food and a water bottle. I couldn't see his face because he had a mask on.

Their shoes tapped against the floor with each step they took.

"Why am I here" I might as well question them now that I have the chance. He lifts his head up to look at me but looks back down ignoring me still situating the food on the tray.

I probably look a mess right now since there's no mirror in here Or the restroom.

"Hey, I'm talking to you, it's very rude to ignore someone when they ask you a question." I cross my arms against my chest.

There's no way I can get past them if I try to run. They'll most likely catch me before my feet can even touch the floor.

"Look, I don't want you here as much as you don't want to be here but it'd really be helpful if you'd shut up." He says with a gruff tone.

However, their voice sound a bit...on the feminine side but I'm not here to judge, just to survive this shit.

"How long are you gonna keep me in here?. I'm not an Animal, I'm a human too, asshole." He stands up fully. Now towering over me.

"I'd watch my mouth if I were you" those words poured out of his mouth in a growl.

I roll my eyes. Who are they trying to scare? Mama ain't raise no bitch.

"Your words don't faze me one bit. You may have my life in your hands right now but I could have yours with just a snap." The words drip form my mouth like blood spilling out of a bullet wound.

"I'm not afraid of your father nor a stuck up little princess like you. Eat your food. You're gonna need it." I eye the food suspiciously, pushing the tray away.

They stand brushing off their pants, making their way to the door. They stop infront of the door looking over their shoulder "Don't worry, I didn't do anything to the food. I'm not a creep and I'm not saying you should trust me" They reassure before shutting the door. However, I don't hear it lock.

If you think I'm bold enough to go up there and try to escape you have another thing coming. I've seen the black phone before bitch I'm not desperate.

A scoff leaves my throat. I look down at the food. The meal contained small, cut up pieces of steak, broccoli, mashed potatoes, and bottled water.

I pick up a peice of steak hesitantly placing it on my mouth. My eyes almost immediately go wide. They're out here kidnapping people when they could be a five star chef.

This steak is fucking delicious. Gordon Ramsay ain't got shit on them.

My taste buds are on fire. I dig in to the food almost immediately. After I'm finished eating a wave of drowsiness washes over me.

Maybe I should lay down for a bit after all I still have to find a way to get out of here.

I lay down, trying to find a comfortable spot on the bed. Almost immediately after my head sinks into the pillow my eyes get heavy making them close.

Everything around me goes quiet. The darkness consumes me, comforting me, whisking me off into its tide...


A/N: This is the first chapter of "The Destitution Of Love" it's pretty shitty but it's progress. I love you all, enjoy! ❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2023 ⏰

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