Chapter 15

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The time kept running during that night, but Mary couldn't find the way to sleep. Her mind (Or maybe her heart) didn't allow her to sleep, an idea was stuck in her head.

«So... (Y/N) doesn't like her last name, huh? That's really tough. And she can't even change it, what a disgrace... Wait, maybe she can change it through me. I can make up a nickname for her that could replace her last name. Something that distinguishes her from the other students in the class, but not in the way her current name does».

Is that idea too mellow for Mary? Yes, she thinks it is. But now that she thought about it, she can't help but to wonder about a new nickname.

«What words describe (Y/N)? —Mary thought on her bed —. Silly, that's one. But that's no material for a nickname. Cheerful? Maybe in another language. If only I knew (Y/N)'s roots...»

It was no use. Mary felt useless after being unable to find a proper nickname. She started thinking that the idea should be discarded, consoling herself with the excuse of "After all, she wouldn't really like it".

However, she felt disappointed. The kind of feeling you have when you owe something to someone... The feeling she hated the most, especially if that "someone" was (Y/N).
She eventually fell asleep, without a single idea for the nickname. But, surprisingly for her, she had a dream. Having dreams wasn't common for Mary, and she didn't really care about dreams. This time, nevertheless, was different.

She had to gamble with different students of the school. It was a sort of challenge with a big reward. She started with Sumeragi, then she defeated Yumeko, and after that, she had to defeat the student council.
Everything was effortless for Mary in that dream, she would always get the cards she wanted, and her gimmicks would always work as she intended. Even the game against the president was like that. When she won the final game, her vision turned all blurry. The last thing she saw clearly was the award: A small statue of a poker card (The two of hearts?) with a word at the bottom. That word was Hatonojo.

Then she woke up, and shouted strongly: «That's it!»>

♡ Gamblers to lovers♡ (Mary Saotome x reader)Where stories live. Discover now