Chapter 25

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During the class of the next day, Mary was surprised that she didn't see you the whole day. «Is Hatonojo with Yumeko again?» she thought, but tried not to let that sink deep into her mind. She knew that, in the first moment she sees you, she would get red again just by remembering what happened at the party.

Suddenly, she noticed that there was a paper sheet on her seat. And that it was written. She took the paper, and read it:

Now that I caught your attention, meet me at the main hall <3»

That caught her off guard. She was trying so hard not to think about that, but (Y/N) made it impossible. Mary felt like (Y/N) was almost able to read her mind. She couldn't pay attention to the class for the next few minutes, because all she could think of was the hug. And her heart was probably about to get to 117 beats per minute again. There was no way to help it.


After the class, Mary went to the main hall, trying to avoid any kind of human contact on her way. She didn't want anyone to see her in that state, even though she had been worse. After a while, she calmed down and accepted that she was just happy to see you again. That's all there's to it, right?

And then she got to the main hall, seeing you with your long pigtails and your confident look.

—Mary! I'm so happy to see you again!

—Just for your information —Mary said angrily —, yours was beating 124 times a minute. So you better not use that against me.

You jumped in excitement. Remembering that was so cool of Mary, and it surprised you how your heartbeat was actually more accelerated than Mary's during that moment. But it made sense. You couldn't say you weren't nervous during that hug. But in spite of that, you were amazed by the fact that Mary counted your heart beats too. You loved little details like those.

—Anyways... —you said —. There's a game I want to play with you. Don't worry, I'm not getting you into big deals. It's called "Bull Riding Gamble". You just have to ride the bull as long as you can. I want to see how you perform in this kind of game!

—Oh, so you want to surpass me in the amount of heart beats a minute again? Fine, let's see how it goes.

And you both got ready for the fun. A special fun for both of you, since you could spend time with each other.

♡ Gamblers to lovers♡ (Mary Saotome x reader)Where stories live. Discover now