Chapter 7

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Today is another anniversary of my mothers death. I remember it all too well. I remember the feeling of my heart dropping to my stomach when I found out, and that feeling never leaving.

I'm sitting at her grave, me and my grandmother, Jayden is in school. We bought flowers for her.

"Say somethin to your mother Lu." My grandmother whispers to me.

I sigh. "Mama...not a day goes by when I don't think of you," I look down and close my eyes "I know you wouldn't be proud of me for the way I'm living my life right now, but one day you'll be proud, one day imma make you proud. Your grandson is becoming the spittin image of you, it hurts to look at his face sometimes's comforting too...knowing that your living on within him and I. You woulda loved what he's turned out to be. He's beautiful mama. Inside and out..."

My grandma stands up slowly. "I'll leave you two alone for a while, I'll be at the bus top baby." She squeezes my shoulder and walks away.

"I guess grandma must suspect something huh mama?" I laugh slightly "there's a guy, I think she knows, she always did know everything right? Even the shit we wouldn't tell her. Yeah there's this guy...his names Akim. He's a good one, I think. I know you rolling your eyes up there, even I'm surprised, but I promise, he's good. He's sweet handsome. You woulda tried to take him from me. Not that he's mine, he ain't mine. Maybe he ain't even worth talking about yet but, I don't have anyone to talk to about anything down here. I miss talkin wit you. And that's the thing about this guy mama...I like talkin wit him, I ain't had that since you."

I sit down for a couple minutes longer in silence, meditatively. And then I get up, kiss my momma goodbye. "I'll be back soon."

My grandmas sitting at the bus stop and she smiles at me slightly when I sit beside her. I can feel the question coming, this woman isn't one for beating around the bush.

"Who's the guy?"

"What guy."

"Don't play dumb wit me girl. Tell me bout him."

"What do you wanna know?"

"The good stuff Lu." She says softly.

"He's only good stuff so far."

She chuckles. "Yeah I sure hope it stays that way."

"Me too."

"At least tell me his God given name."


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