Chapter 10

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While my grandma's napping, I go and pick Jadyn up from school.

Akim had to leave after eating, because business calls.

I feel that it's not my place to encourage him to leave the game, but I at least hope that's what he want for himself, and us, should there be an us. I hope it's a possibility.

I smile when I see my sons face, and he smiles too and runs at me.

"You look so happy mama." He says in his little voice.

"It's cuz I'm wit you baby."

He hold onto my hand, and I carry his little Spiderman backpack as we walk on home.

"Halloween is comin up Jadyn, what you wanna be?" I ask.

"Spider man."

"Another year you gonna be Spiderman?"

He nods with enthusiasm.

"Ight baby, whatever you want." I smile.

When we get home, I give him a bath, get him into pyjamas and start making dinner. He sits on the sofa wit my grandma as they watch one of her damn shows and she strokes his hair, I used to love when she did that to me.

There's a knock at the door suddenly. My grandma tries to get up. "I'll get it." I say and she relaxes again.

I look into the peephole. It's a man. And not any man I know.

I put the chain on and open it cautiously. And when he sees my face he smiles. It's weird.

He's a black man, skinny. Dressed like a gangster a sorts, and them grills make him even more unsettling and ugly.

"Can I help you?" I ask.

"Yeah," he says "it's concerning my brother Akim."


"Yeah. Some bad news, he woulda wanted me to come tell you."

"What is you talkin bout?"

"You might want to get away from your son and grandma for this."

My eyes widen, and my heart drops further than it's ever been. What can I do when a man wit a weapon involves the people I love, I put slides on and go outside, and close the door behind me.

"So what is it you want, bcuz I know Akim ain't got no damn brother, let alone your scraggly lookin ass."

He continues to smile, but whether it's amusement, or just insanity, I don't know.

"What do you want?"

He looks behind him. And then grabs me suddenly. I try hard to fight him off and I almost escape, but before I know it there's other men grabbing me, a rag over my head. And I'm thrown into a truck.

"What's the plan Slim?" The driver ask.

"Les take her back to Crack's old place, where she belong. And Frank can deal wit her."

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