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Author pov : It was a sunny and windy day. Jake was coming back from Australia and was 19 years old.

Sinb(Jake's mom) : "Jaeyun honey remember you have to bow when you meet someone not wave. You have to be polite"

Jake: "hmm", he hummed in response looking at the scenery. He hadn't been in Korea for a while so he was still trying to get accustomed .

Sinb: "Sure"' she said in a sarcastic manner and then to start checking her document files.

Jake was rich as we all know and his parents were very busy. Sure they loved him but he went on for years without seeing his dad and his mother was always busy barley coming home. Jake was practically raised by Jimin, his grandmother, and some maids. Of course he was content but still it was hard for him to talk to his parents as they weren't really there for him.

The car ride continued in awkward and uncomfortable silence until his mother finally spoke.

Sinb: "Jake" ? , she asked not getting a response but the latter finally turned his head showing that he was listening. She gave a short smile then continued "Aren't you excited to see Sunghoon again? "

He felt his heart crumble and his face twisted on digust at the name of the other. Jake and Sunghoon had met at a figure skating competition when they were 7. Jake just happened to be watching and was mesmerized by the beautiful boy in front of him.

Little Jake pov : wow I thought as I saw the beautiful boy skating on the ice. He did a axel spin, and the a triple axel jump and I clapped in awe. I was still clapping but then the beautiful boy came up to me. He was so pretty and had snow White skin.

Sunghoon: "um-m Hey I saw you looking at me skating and i- I wanted to ask w-was it good?"

I was so surprised he asked me that
Of course his performance was amazing!

Jake : "It wasn't good", I said and I felt his face drop and his eyes turn sad
I chuckled in my mind he was just so cute I thought.

Jake: "It was amazing!"

Sunghoon: "Really", he asked excitedly.

Jake : "REALLY", the Aussie said now falling in love with Sunghoon's beauty moles while Sunghoon was admiring his beautiful body and face.

Beginning of flashback

Author pov: Jake had just flew in From Australia on a private jet with his parents to Korea. Apparently they were going to stay there for a while so Jake could see his place of birth and his homeland. He took Korean speaking lessons back in Australia so he was pretty fluent but still had difficultt pronuncing some words.

Jake had been coming to the skating ring for a while now and it's safe to say sunghoon has pretty much developed a crush on jake. Ever since that day when jake was the first person who saw Sunghoon's new routine he always made sure to show jake his other ones first. Of course Jake was totally whipped for Sunghoon too. Then it came one day when they finally decided to make themselves official.

Jake pov : "Remember Jakey cover your eyes and NO PEEKING", Sunghoon told me sternly.

Jake : "But whyyyyyy Hoonie", "I wanna see", I whined.
"Ok sure now you can see", he told me and I was met with the beautiful view of a flower garden with words decorated saying Jake pls be Mine?

"Hoon!" I jumped as I engulfed him in a big hug and he hugged me too.

Sunghoon : "So does that we're together", he asked with exicitment lacing in his voice just like the time we first met. ( a/n oh yeah btw they are 15 now)

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