Chapter 2

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By the next afternoon we had made our final stop and we were steaming west from the coast of Ireland, with nothing out ahead of us but ocean...

That night I slept like a baby, the excitement of the day had worn me out.

When I had got to my room, next door to my aunt, I had begun to unpack. There wasn't much to do, I hung my few dresses in the wardrobe and piled my books on my desk other then that I hadn't brought anything. The room was quite small, but I loved it. It had the necessities, it was comfortable and that was all I needed.

I had been the first person ever to sleep in this bed, and what a bed it was the sheets were so soft and the pillows the encapsulated my head as I sunk into bed.

The next morning I was awoken, looking out of my window I could see a few third class passengers taking a stroll around deck enjoying the crisp morning sea air. I would have liked to do the exact same however we had lunch scheduled with rose's party, Thomas and Bruce ismay the director of the white star line. As much as I know this would be dreadfully dull I had rose and Thomas to keep me entertained and perhaps after I could take my stroll.

"She is the largest moving object ever made by the hand of man in all history and our master shipbuilder, Mr. Andrews here, designed her from the keel plates up."

I was currently sat between my aunt and Thomas, across from me cal occasionally graces me with a stare which makes me uncomfortable. I do not know how rose can stand being around him none the less engaged. Rose looks bored as see sit staining out of the window behind me.

"Well, I may have knocked her together, but the idea was Mr. Ismay's" mr Andrews replies to ismays comment on his work.

"Don't be modest Thomas your work is splendid and the best boat I have ever sailed on" I smile at him

"Why thank you liz, it means a lot coming from a good friend like you"

Everyone splits off into their own conversations, I turn my body slightly towards Thomas partly to engage in conversation with him but mainly to avoid calls harsh stares.

"So how was your time in France?" Thomas asks

"Oh it was great I visited lots of museums and art galleries but I am ready for something new in America the French are ever so traditional. I have no doubt you have spent the time I was away working on this magnificent ship"

"Well of course it had to be perfect if you were to be on it maiden voyage" he replies and I smile in response.
From across the table I hear Ruth say
"You know I don't like that, Rose."
I turn to see rose smoking however cal quickly puts a stop to that by taking the cigarette and stubbing it out, causing me to frown.
"She knows, We'll both have the lamb. Rare, with a little mint sauce." He says to the waiter behind him taking the tables orders. I feel ashamed to be sat here with people who can not even have the common decency to use manners.
He turns to rose "you like lamb don't you sweetpea?" I grimace at his forced attempt of affection toward rose, I see my aunt do the same.
"So, you gonna cut her meat for her too there, Cal?" Aunt molly asks jokingly, criticising the control has over roses life so much so she can't even chose her own food. I suddenly feel slightly guilty, why should I have the freedom to do as I please when rose has to put up with this.

Lost in my thoughts I miss the next pet of the conversation however tune back in to hear rose speak to the group for the first time this meal.
"Do you know of Dr. Freud? His ideas about the male preoccupation with size might be of particular interest to you, Mr. Ismay."
I bring my hand up to my mouth to hide my laughter as Thomas chokes on his food concealing his.
"Excuse me" rose addressed the table getting up from her chair and walking out.
"I shall go check on her" I say hurrying to follow her out of this awful situation.

I made my way out to deck B promenade where rose is stood at the railing looking out over the bow of the ship. I walked over to her taking my place leaning back on the railing due to my lack of corset and lace which rose was inflicted to.
"Oh how I love you rose, you always know just the right thing to say" she turns her head to me smiling then looking back out ahead, "says you you are my rebellious inspiration" she giggles a little as she says this, it is the happiest I've seen her since we met in the boat.
"Well I'm flattered, we'd be the perfect pair we should run away together and make every man in America fall in love with us for are wits and beauty"
She finally laughs this time as I turn around to face the bow, I notice three men on the deck below looking up at us however chose to ignore it due to the arrival of Cal. Before he reaches us I whisper a sorry to rose and slip past them nodding at him as we pass.

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