Chapter 20

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Zephyr was making wraps for his siblings using last night's leftovers when he heard a commotion at the front door. There were loud voices, excited shouting and scurrying feet.

"Where is he?" Fawn's voice.

"How is he?" Onyx's voice.

They burst into the kitchen, Onyx holding a hamper, Fawn with a bouquet and Emmeryn trailing behind quietly. Zephyr finished folding the wrap then turned to his friends.

"Umm, hi?" he greeted confusedly.

"Surprise!" Fawn thrust the bouquet into his arms.

"What's this for?"

"It's a get well soon gift."


"How are you feeling now?" Onyx asked, concern evident in his voice.

Zephyr smiled at him reassuringly. "I'm fine. I wasn't sick at all yesterday or today."

"That's great."

"Zeppy!" Amiri stomped into the kitchen, barging past his brother's friends and trying his best to look angry and intimidating.


"Where's my food? I'm hungry!"

"It's here, I was just about to bring it."


"Really. I'm sorry you had to wait so long."

"That's okay." Grinning, he ran back to the living room.

Zephyr turned to his friends once more. "Can you guys give me a minute?"

"Sure," Fawn answered, "we'll wait in your room."


"Emmeryn, are you okay? You were pretty quiet back there." Fawn put an arm around her shoulder as they entered Zephyr's room.

She managed a small smile and nodded. They sat down on the carpet as Onyx put the hamper on Zephyr's desk. Emmeryn laid down and rested her head on Fawn's lap, tracing patterns on the carpet.

"Sorry for the wait, guys." Zephyr joined them and sat next to Onyx. "Amiri gets grumpy when he's hungry."

"It's fine," Fawn replied, deciding to be more talkative on Emmeryn's behalf. "So, what have you been up to?"

"Nothing much. Just watching TV and practising basketball."

"Do you have any tournaments coming up soon?"

"Not at the moment since mock exams aren't far away. Did I miss anything in class?"

"Not too much. I collected the worksheets for you."

Onyx listened to their conversation quietly and shifted closer to Zephyr, resting his head on Zephyr's shoulder. Though he wouldn't admit it, he had missed his best friend and was relieved to know he was okay.

Zephyr stiffened for a moment, unused to being this close to Onyx, before relaxing and leaning back further against his bed. A smile formed on his lips. He knew Onyx wouldn't say it in front of everyone but the younger boy had been constantly texting him to see how he was doing. His blue-grey eyes shifted to Emmeryn, who had become very quiet recently.

"Emmy how are you?" he asked gently.

"I'm okay but I've been better."

"Did something happen?"


Fawn and Onyx had told him that she'd not been well but wouldn't tell them what was wrong. However, it seemed she was being more open now so he decided to see how much she'd share. "Has someone been bothering you?"

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