Chapter 1

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Yui's POV

"Hey, Yui! Your dad needs us for something!" (Y/N), a childhood friend called to me. They spend their days in the church with me but never during service.

My father and their mother had been friends long before we were born, so naturally, we knew each other all our lives.

"Alright," I got up from my bed, placing my book on my oak bedside table.

"You needed us, Father?" I asked as we entered his office. Their mother was present too. 'Why are they here?'

"Both of you sit down." Their mother, Joan, gruffly ordered, and we sat on the light brown couch against the wall across them both. She didn't let us see her face, where a well-aged smile would have rested.

My father's office used to be a calming place, but it was far from it while we were here now. It felt like we were seconds away from our doom.

"What is this about?" They questioned.

"Joan and I are going on a business trip together, and you two will be staying with a friend of ours." my dad answered. He seemed much calmer than Joan was.

"Go pack your bags; the taxi is waiting for you two." Joan stood from her seat. She was a tall, muscular woman with broad shoulders who worked for a lumbering company. The best of the company, she happily stated many times before.

I'm not sure what business a lumberjack and a priest would have with each other, but I doubt we have much room to question it.

I packed my things into a pastel pink suitcase and headed out to the taxi. They leaned against the car; their mother had her back turned from me as she talked to them. The trunk was open so that I could put my luggage inside.

(Y/N)'s POV

I leaned my back against the cab that was going to take us to the place we were staying. Mom came out of the church's front doors with her body as stiff as a robot, she muttered something I couldn't make out at the doors before moving.

She came to stand in front of me. "(Y/N), before you go..." Her voice cracked with her emotions. "You need to promise me that you will stay safe, call me, and keep Yui safe too, okay?"

"Yeah, I will, Mom. It's not like we're going to be in terrible danger, right?" I tried to joke with her, but she didn't let up any.

"Do you promise?" She crossed her arms with and tearful, impatient look in her eye.

"Yeah, ugh... Scouts honor, mom." I faked a solute. "Are you alright?" She normally would be all happy-go-lucky, but this was completely different.

"Yeah, it's just so much that I had yet to teach you, but-"

Yui's POV

The ordinarily laid-back woman had been grim and serious all day. Her shoulders were stiffer than before, and her casual clothes were ditched for a suit.

Her shoulders stiffened more as I stepped on the noisy gravel below. With a nod from (Y/N), Joan turned and entered the church silently. She didn't interact with me at all, and her face was void of any emotion besides one tear.

We climbed into the back and enjoyed the scenery around us. I took a few glances their way.

They seemed excited to experience something new for once. Our days at the church have been almost identical; a year felt like one long day.

I spent each day with them by my side. I could not think of a better friend to go explore a new place with. Although, one thought would never leave my head, and I blurted it out.

"Do you think we still would be friends if your mom and my dad weren't?" My fingers danced amongst the hem of my oversized, pastel pink sweater.

"Yeah, I think we still would be." They looked at me with amusement dancing in their eyes.

"Listen,  you're so nice, of course, I would want to be friends with you."

The taxi pulled into this big courtyard with a huge mansion in front of us that looked like a castle.

We grabbed our luggage, and the taxi immediately drove off. "There is no return." They joked as I felt a raindrop on my head.

"Ahh, it's raining!" I looked up at the sky. It was like an angry dark gray canvas as the rain plummeted in heavy drops.

(Y/N)'s POV

"Let's hurry up, then." I speed-walked to the mansion's large double doors, one hand holding my suitcase and the other gripping Yui's forearm.

I reached for the door to knock, only for it to open a jar. I didn't want to intrude on whoever's home this was, so I knocked on the door again and stayed on the porch at first.

Yui, however, took it as an invitation to enter the estate. I didn't see any option to not follow after her, so I went. I was tasked to keep an eye on her, after all.

"Yui! This is not a good idea!" I whisper-yelled to her, leaving my luggage on the porch.

"We should not intrude on someone's house! You wouldn't like it if it happened to you, would you? Oh!" I had silently stormed after her to see it.

On a small couch lay a red-haired boy. He wore some sort of uniform in an odd fashion, and he didn't seem to be moving.

Is he asleep?

Yui was either braver than me or dumb because she inched her way toward the guy. "Excuse me." She reached her hand to touch him with only her fingertip and yanked it back quickly after with a gasp.

"You're cold!" She followed that action by placing her head on his chest. "He doesn't have a pulse!" She gasped again, scurrying to find her pink flip phone.

"I need to call an ambulance right away!" She franticly dialed in her panic, and I was panicked too.

My heart was almost beating out of my chest, and my body was completely stiff. I couldn't find it in myself to speak as I watched the redhead.

His eyes opened, and in one fluid motion, he snatched her phone and pushed her onto the couch under him.

"Damn, you're so noisy; this isn't even your house." He had a scowl on his face looking at her.

"What are you doing?!" Yui screamed as he pinned her into place, and his face inched towards her neck.

"I'm taking you, obviously. You are a snack for me, Pancake." He breathed into the non-existent space between them.

'I have to do something.' My eyes made a wild for anything of help, even looking at the floor. Before my eyes, I watched a book drop down with a heavy thud onto the ground. It skidded at a halt once it hit my shoe.

I slowly inched towards the two with the heavy book in hand. I slowly lifted the book above my head and slammed it down on his head as hard as I could.

"Fuck!" He clutched his head for a moment and glared at me with the intent of murder in his eyes. He looked ready to launch himself at me.

"You're going to regret that!"

I backed up as quickly as I could, but I bumped into something ice-cold as I backed away.

"You should look where you are going." I turned to see a tall boy with thin, rectangular glasses. He pushed up his glasses as his eyes flicked back to the redhead. "Ayato, you should keep such behaviors to your private room. We receive guests here."

"Take their bags, please." An older man in a butler uniform appeared and left with our things, spooking Yui.

"Come along; we have much to discuss." He walked off with us in tow, leaving Ayato behind.
1332 Words

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