Chapter 4

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(Y/N)'s POV

The cold air felt like it had been punched out of my lungs, and my legs throbbed. I couldn't possibly run anymore. Yui stayed close behind. She hoped along with me that the door would open and we could just go.

I took the cold metal in my hands, pushing and pulling at the door. It rattled and thudded loudly with my tries. Like ringing a dinner bell, one had come for us.

Two pale hands slammed on either side of us next to our heads. "You're not going anywhere. You can't escape." I slowly peered behind me to see Ayato's smug face.

Yui yelped in my ear and started to squirm in his hold, pushing me against the door in the already tight space. "Get back!"

My arms were pinned against the door handle. I squirmed in my tight space until I got an arm free.

I slowly reached up at his wrist and began to push. His hand's placement stayed strong to the right of my head. He had vampiric strength to keep him still I couldn't compare, but I need to at least try.

I shoved and pushed at his wrist as hard as I could. He didn't seem to care, continuing to terrorize Yui. 'Could he feel pain? What if I pinch his wrist? Would he pull away? It had to be worth a shot.'

I pinched his hand as hard as I could. He broke away for a moment and Yui made a grand escape, pulling me along.

A harsh grab of my shirt behind tugged me back. I fell against Ayato's cold body. Yui watched in horror, frozen. Her eyes were as wide as saucers and her body was as stiff as a mannequin. "I'm sorry..." She turned on her heel and ran away.

Her betrayal made sense but hurt that she did not try to fight. I have been made to be a distraction so she could run.

"Damn! She just left you behind." He chuckled. "She doesn't seem to care." He pushed back against the door. "You can't escape me this time." He lowered his head towards my neck, his breath blew against me.

I raised my foot as high as I could and swiftly brought it back down onto his. Twisting and turning my foot to add to his pain.

My eyes locked on his with deep loathing. He clutched his head with groan, backing away. I finally had my chance to slip away.

Yui's POV

I found a room that had broken chains littering the ground before it. No one occupied the hall. The knob slowly twisted in my palm. Bookshelves lined the walls inside the once-chained-up room.

The dim lighting of the setting sun streamed in from a large window in a corner. A small leather-covered book sat abandoned on the floor, pages down. "What is this?" I muttered to myself.

I closed the door behind my back. Dust added to the difficulty of catching my breath.

"I love her so much, despite she is not my true daughter" The cursive words read. A picture of my father holding a baby in front of the church followed on the next page.

"Is this true? Is he not my father? Why is this here?" Chills ran down my spine. I flipped through for more.

Something tapped at the glass window in front of me. "Huh?" My head shot up to the glass.

A tall woman with long purple hair and a long black dress smiled at me. Her gloved hand still raised, tapped the glass again.

I rose to my feet and crept towards the glass. She waited patiently as I closed the gap. Only two steps short, a pain bloomed deep in my chest.

"Ahh!" I clutched at my chest, backing away, and falling onto the ground. "Ugh, it hurts! Please, make it stop." I groaned, tears formed in my eyes. The pain felt unbearable.

"Yui!" Quick footsteps made their way to me. I couldn't find it in me to call out anymore. Pain squeezes me tight and won't let go. My breath was robbed from all I went through.

'(Y/N)! Please, help me!' I begged mentally. I want to go home.

The door creaked loudly and then slammed against the wall behind me. "Yui!" Their voice called to me.

Their warm hand met my back and like it never happened the pain slipped from my body. Air flooded my lungs quickly. Their hand rubbed in slow circles into my back.

"Yui! Are you okay?" They shook my shoulder. "Respond!"

"Y-yeah..." I panted trying to catch my breath. "(Y/N), this place is so strange."

I rolled onto my back to see them and weakly lifted my finger toward the window. My strength felt nonexistent at this point. "There was this woman out the window... My chest hurt so much." Tears still slipped from my eyes.

They looked up to where I pointed. Their face screwed up in confusion, brows furrowed. "Who are you talking about? No one's there."

"What?" My head turned to the window and like they said, no one was there. A cloudy sky and a forest glared back at me. Am I delusional?

"Ahem, how did you two get in here? The door was locked it should have not been possible for you to get in here." Reiji stood at the door's opening.

The room slowly flooded with them all. Ayato and Laito are the closest to us on their hands and knees. Kantao stood the third closest.

"Don't move. Remember you are my prey." He spoke before covering his mouth back up with his teddy bear.

Laito crawled closer. "This will only hurt a little bit, Little Bitch" A smirk rested on his lips.

"Hey!" Ayato pushed his brother. "She belongs to yours truly. And don't get any ideas with the other one either!" He came closer to us both.

"I'll bite you first." He spoke to (Y/N). He leaned forward and had his face next to their neck for the nth time.

'What do I do? What can I do?'

The glass shattered onto the floor. Broken glass disrupted the whole situation. All attention swarmed Shu. His back turned and his elbow stuck out and the painting with it's broken frame rested below.

"Oops, I didn't mean to do that." His voice remained monotone and filled with tiredness.
1078 Words

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2023 ⏰

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