[part 2.5] from a private chapter on this book

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"Your here!" Fire-Haven Wubbox said, opening the door to see Wubbox on the other side. He swung the door open and let Wubbox inside.
"Thanks for letting me stay over a bit! I just really needed to get away from family for a while."

"I completely understand! You can stay for as long as you need to!"
His hotel room was quite cozy, a couch beside the tv, and the beds being near the window with a table and chair opposite to it. He also had a small kitchen, but nothing amazing.
"This is a pretty cool place."

"Yup! Its got everything i could need. And if you need anything, just tell me."

Wubbox the walked off, and to the couch. It was near the middle of the room, awkwardly splitting the room in half. He took a seat, and Fire walked behind him to his bed.
"So what do you want to do?" Fire asked.

"I don't know, i haven't been here before."

"Well We have a few shows on the tv, like nature documentaries."

"Those are kinda boring."

"Oh uh, theres that, the music channel, the picture channel, the history show and i heard theres a new show where they ask monsters about their family history! It might be on tonight."

"We can watch that when it comes on. Anything else?"

"I got a few books and games."

"What kind of books?"

"Mostly cook books and history books."

"Really like history do you?"


"Have you ever cooked anything?"

"I've tired, but its always been not good."

"Well you'll get it one day! And i also can't cook."

"That's alright."
They both stopped. The sun was beginning to fall from the side.
Fire seemed to looked around, although not moving his head and he had no pupils to be seen moving.
Wubbox was quiet, and looking around the room. "Is there anything else you do?"

"Well other than singing, trying to cook, reading and watching TV, i like to go on walks."

"Walks sound nice. What time do you usually walk?"

"It depends, either when i wake up in the morning or before i sleep at night."

"That's a pretty good time."

"Mhm, and sometimes other monsters join me on the walks and talk to me."

"Do you know most of the monsters here?"

"Yeah, we don't leave the island often, and that means talking to anyone here for some entertainment other than being the entertainment"

"That does make sense. On plant island, there's so many of us, some monsters do get ignored and forgotten."

"That doesn't sound very fun. But, would you like to go on that walk? It's a bit early but i could go and stretch my legs."

"Sure." Wubbox stood up as Fire did. They didn't think they had spent much time talking but the sun was nearly down. They walked out of the place and outside to the island's grounds.
It was nice, the sun dyed the sky a light pink-orange, with purple and blue following behind it as the night would draw closer. They had talked while walking, yet nothing they did talk about was very important. They questioned why things happen and why things turned out the way they did. The world was strange, and everyone wondered how things happened, and if someone controlled what happened. They knew the Celestials were in control of weather and other parts of life but they didn't make monsters be with others to make more monsters, or making new islands, or make the sun move or made their existence at all. Soon they completed their walk around the island, and headed back to Fire's place. "So i'll be sleeping on the couch?"

"Unless you want to sleep on the floor." Fire said back jokingly. Wubbox walked over and laid on the couch. They didn't have blankets because the possibility of it disconnecting the electrodes and not being able to fix them or just setting it in fire, but sleeping on something seemed to be just fine. He laid down and closed his eyes.


Wubbox woke up, and sat up on the couch. He looked around, and Fire was not in the room. Today was not their day to sing, so he wondered what he was doing.
He looked at the tv and saw a small note on it's screen, on the edge of falling down. He took it and read it carefully.
"Im outside." Was all it said. Wubbox wondered what he was doing, but decided to stay inside for now. He got up and walked to the window, looking out to the island to see some of the monsters out and talking in groups. He saw Fire sitting in the back, Repatillo snd Stogg were talking with him. Once Fire looked over and saw him by the window, he waved to him. Fire's friends looked at him and waved too. Wubbox waved back, then stepped away from the window.
Wubbox turned around then stretched his limbs. The light seemed to turn the island brighter, and none of the candles that sat around were lit.
He turned back, walked away from the window and sat on the couch. He decided he would wait until later in the day to go outside. He breathed in and turned on the tv on, going to switch through the channels until he found something that peaked his interest.

No i will not tell the original plot of the private chapter. Its also originally longer. I just posted it because i fell bad writing all this then not using it.

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