[Part Nine] Reconcile

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Poewk sat still at the clouds. The island was silent except for the buzzing from the island's natural sound.
The Wublins were bored. Wubbox had left them to be alone on the island, with Poewk and Brump to watch them.
"What about the race game?" Screemu said to Thwok. Thwok sighed and looked at Screemu with visible irritation.
"No. Zuuker nearly fell off the island to the below. Your luckly we were able to get him without me and Pixolotl falling in."
Screemu sighed.
"There has to be something!" He complained.

"We would be better off it we at least had paper."
Whajje joined in. He was laying on his back, looking at the sky and watching the islands occasional drifting around.
Electricity began to spark around Astropod's horns as he grew angry from boredom. Pixolotl sat up at made a quiet squeaky sound to him, like hinges of a door hinge. Astropod was prone to firing unhinged electricity when he got too mad, and Pixolotl was assigned to keep him calm. Probably because "Wubbox couldn't care less about watching his children", thats what Thwok said.
Tympa laid against Blipsqueak, sleeping quite peacefully. But he sat up quickly as steps began to rise up. They all looked up, and saw Wubbox coming back down. Blipsqueak started to stand up, but Tympa held their arm down, stopping them from going to him.
All the Wublins seemed to scowl at him as he did, the silence was just icing on the cake of tension and resentment they had against him.
Then, another Wubbox was behind him. It was orange, and instead of a orb like core, it was like a record disc. They looked a bit confused, who was that guy? They collectively thought. Once both Wubbox got down, they walked off and into the grey building.
"Ignoring us as usual. Always in his building." Thwok said with a snarky tone. A laugh came among them.

Wubbox stepped inside the building, Rare right behind him. Once they stepped inside the building, Rare closed the door.
"So, what do you think?" Wubbox asked, turning around to him.
"You wouldn't want me to tell you." Rare replied bluntly. "Now, you can show me around and we can have this conversation."

"Fine." Then, the door knob turned, and Poewk began to open the door, but Rare closed the door back in his face, locking the door.
"Hey, he was coming in!"

"He's not apart of this conversation, just you and me." Then, Poewk dragged one of his claws along the door, like a cat wanting to be let in, but Rare did not open it.

"Well, he has experience, and he is a Wublin, so he can give me insight on what i need to work on."

"No, he is a child. Your leaving so much responsibility on a child. Do you know how damaging that could be to him? He is five, Wubbox." Rare said angrily, and suprised as how calmly he said that, as if it was an common occurrence.
"Ok, no. What do you give them to do in their free time?" Rare asked.
Wubbox walked into his office, and sat his bag on the table.
"Uh, nothing really. I've just been so busy i just-"

"Busy is not an excuse." Rare cut in.

"Well, i've... not been involved in their life much, and not given them anything." He forced out. He hated saying the fact he was a bad father.

"Well, why not giving them something to do? You got some cards around, yeah?"

"Yes, but they wouldn't know how to play."

"Why not teach them?"
Wubbox turned to Rare. It was clearly obvious he did not want this conversation.
"If you want to fix your relationship with others, this is the place to start."

"How? I already fucked it all up! They wouldn't forgive me no matter what i did." Wubbox said angrily, taking his clipboard and paper out of his bag.

"They are still young, maybe if you started being involved in their life now, they wouldn't be awful like you."

"Im not awful!" He yelled back.

"You are! They hate you for what you did. You neglected them, and it's a miracle they didn't do worse than exploring the islands without your consent." He said calmly, but sternly.

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