Chapter 6: The Tape

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The cab pulled up near a cozy cottage entangled in a lush garden.

F. turned off the tape player. "Here we are, Echo. Arrived safely at your destination."

Echo opened her eyes. Confusion spread on her face as she hastily looked around. "It can't be. Not yet."

F. raised an eyebrow. "If you want to, I can drive around the block once more, but I'm certain someone has been eagerly waiting for your arrival."

"Yes. No. I mean -"

"Is something wrong?"

Echo slid back in her seat and wrapped her arms around her. "I mean it's not that I don't want to see my old nanny again - she's the closest to real family I have ever had and I'm grateful she wants to take me in. It's just..." Echo remained silent as the right words slipped her mind.

F. looked at her in the rearview mirror. "It's okay to be scared of the future, kid. It's even okay to be scared of the now."

Echo rubbed her arm as she gazed out of the window.

F. let out a soft sigh. "How can I best help you through this?"

Echo slowly turned her gaze to F.. "I don't know..."

F. remained silent as her hand went through her stash on the front seat. "Might something familiar help you find your courage?"

Echo pulled at her dress. "Familiar isn't quite comforting," she said. "It reminds me too much of what I'm trying to run from."

She laid her hand on her suitcase as her gaze wandered. "I even doubt I did good to pack my stuff. Nothing of it feels like me, you know? And I don't even know what does..."

F. remained silent as she went over all the possibilities in her mind. A smile crossed her lips as her eyes met Echo's in the rearview mirror. "We do know you hate green and you like the tape I've been playing. Don't you say it isn't true, kid, 'cause I have seen you enjoying it in my mirror."

A smile crossed Echo's lips. "It's true. I like the singer's voice."

"Then I know how to help you, kid." F. pressed Eject on the tape player. "There are only two copies of this, so take good care of it," she said as she gave Echo the tape. "I'm certain your old nanny has something to play this on.

Now chop chop. Go greet that old Mrs. Bouquet and give her my regards."

"You know my nanny?"

"Let's say we go a long way back." F. winked.

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