Chapter 12: The Walkman

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Hope raised an eyebrow as she heard Fate out. "So you're saying -?"


"And if she doesn't go in right now -?"

Fate made jazz hands. "Poof! The butterfly effect."

Hope sat back as she crossed her arms. "I'm not helping you. This is your mess, so you sort this out. I'm here to look after the girl."

"Come on, Hope. I need you...."

Hope snorted. "That's a first!"

Fate pulled down the corner of her lips. "Fine!" she said. "I'll figure this out myself. It's just a human being. How difficult can this be?"

Fate poked Echo. "Kid. Hey, kid.... Earth to Echo... Helllooooooo?"

Echo didn't move at all.

Fate anxiously looked at Echo, then at the shop and back at Echo. "Come on, kid. Time is running out...."

Fate's eye fell on the Walkmans in the shop window. "The tape!" She looked Echo up and down. "Does she have it on her? Where is it?"

Hope shrugged.

"Come on, Hope! Give me something."

Hope rolled her eyes. "Check her purse."

Fate grabbed Echo's purse and searched it. When she cried victory, she threw the purse on the back seat.

Fate waved the tape in front of Echo. "Heeeeyyyy, kiiiiddd. Look here. The tape! Let's go find something to play this with."

Echo mechanically blinked her eyes as her thoughts slowly dispersed. "Huh?"

She stared at the tape. She blinked a few times rapidly and then looked at Fate. "Are we already at Radio World?"

"We're outside it, so come on, kid. Let's go inside. Look! There are already Walkmans in the shop window."

☆*:. 🎶.:*☆

Fate ushered Echo and Hope to the shop. As she pushed Echo towards the door, Dean opened it.

He held a bag under his arms and looked behind him wishing the cashier a wonderful day as he walked out of the door.

Fate noticed him and gave Echo an extra shove towards Dean.

Echo lost her balance and grabbed ahold of Dean. Dean let go off the bag and instinctively wrapped his arms around her.

The bag hit the cobble stones as their eyes met.

Dean scraped his throat. "Are you alright?"

"I- I'm fine, thank you," Echo said. "Thank you." She looked down as she steadied her legs. When she felt stable enough, she let go.

She took a step back and noticed the bag on the cobble stones. It had fallen open, revealing a silver Walkman. The hinges of the tape holder had come loose and its glass was shattered into a million pieces.

Echo held her hand in front of her mouth. "I'm so, so sorry. Please let me buy you a replacement."

Dean glanced at the broken Walkman. "Don't worry about it. Broken bones are worse than broken Walkmans. I'm happy you're alright."

Dean picked up the bag and remained silent for a while. "Are you sure about buying me a replacement?"

Echo opened her purse and searched through it as her face reddened. "I have money. I can pay for it."

"As you wish," Dean smiled. He walked back into the shop and held open the door for Echo, Hope and Fate.

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