Chapter 39: Big Time

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Dean rushed through the empty hallway and into the crowded classroom.

The old dinosaur sat behind his desk uninterestedly reading a newspaper while students were talking and bustling around.

Class hasn't started yet, Dean thought. I made it!

He ran to the front of the classroom.

In his enthousiasm - and exhausted due to his lack of sleep - , Dean smacked his homework on the old dinosaur's desk.

The old dinosaur looked Dean up and down from behind his bristled moustache and raised a bristled eyebrow.

"What is this, Mister Zachary?" he said as he put the newspaper aside and looked at Dean's homework.

"The homework, professor Gurvel."

"The one due next week? Mister Zachary, I'm both astonished and proud. I'll correct it during break, but good job already. Now take a seat. Class will start soon."

Dean grabbed a seat next to Alex and Blair on the last row. He laid his head on his desk and sighed. "All that hard work for nothing," he said. "And to think of all the sleep I missed for it..."

Alex patted Dean's head. "You surprised the old dinosaur, so it's not all in vain."

Blair agreed. "He might even give you extra credit for it."

"I doubt it," Dean said.

He took a deep breath.

A smile crossed his lips as he remembered Echo and the great night they had had together.

"But pulling that all-nighter wasn't in vain.

I've found her."

Blair looked confused at Dean as a grin crossed Alex's face. "Porcelain Dress muse?"

"The one and only." Dean smiled like a fool.

Alex grabbed the sleeveless heavy metal shirt Blair was wearing under his classic unbuttoned one, pulled Blair closer and kissed his lips. "He found his muse. We're going to be RICH!"

Professor Gurvel cleared his throat as he walked to the center of the stage.

"That's what we all hope, but not all of us succeed in, Colonel Shumaker.

Now please put showing any signs of affection on hold until the next break.

Class is starting."

☆*:. 🎶.:*☆

Echo opened the cottage door and dropped all the bags in the hallway.

She gently placed Sir Fluffypantz on the chair, put the keys back where they belonged and stood in front of the coat hangers.

"I forgot my jacket!"

Echo walked up and down the hallway, her hand close to her mouth.

"Should I go back? Or would that look weird?"

Echo looked at Sir Fluffypantz. "What do you think?"

Sir Fluffypantz stood on its hind legs and sniffed towards Echo.

"You're right," she said. "Let's ask Hope. She knows best."

Echo tilted her head when she noticed laughter coming from the Sun Room.

"I wonder why Thyme is still here. I didn't know they had so much to catch up to..."

Echo gently picked up Sir Fluffypantz.

"You sure have gotten big between last night and now," she said as she walked with it to the Sun Room. "I wonder how much Mister Squareaboo has been feeding you."

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