Chapter 11 - "I am going to stop you right there."

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"Cap'n! Are we gunna go off-base today?"

Katy sets her coffee cup on the counter with a sigh, "Are you guys hell bent on calling me Cap'n from now on?"

Snapper leans on said counter next to her, "Of course Cap'n, you can't have us play pirate and expect us not too."

She groans, "Snapper, it's too fucking early for this. My brain can't work that fast without coffee."

"Well," He pats her shoulder. "That sounds like problem you need to deal with, Cap'n."

"Oh you sassy son of a bi--"

"CAP'N, you've got guests asking for you!"

Katy pokes Snapper in the chest, "This isn't over." She makes her way over to the door leading out of the kitchen.

"I'm coming, I'm coming." She calls out as she hears a sharp intake of breath from outside of the doorway. "I heard you the first time, Brownie."

He grins like a little kid as Katy walks around the corner, "I just wanted to make sure that you heard me, Cap'n."

Katy sighs again as she takes a sip of her coffee, making her way to the make shift living room.

The room in question has an odd assortment of couches, armchairs, a tacky TV, and fighting equipment.

The fighting equipment is made up of kick pads, punching pads and head protection. The TV is from decades ago, but it still works like a charm.

Katy steps over a sleeping body and makes her way over to one of the many armchairs, plopping down with a huff.

"So," She takes another sip of coffee. "Whatcha need, boys?"

Bill glances over to Carlos, clearly hesitant to speak. Carlos rolls his eyes at him but comes to his rescue.

"We are here to apologize for our misconduct. We have come to the realization that many of the rumers about your personality and ways are untrue, and how we acted was unforgivable."

Bill continues, "We understand if you don't forgive us, but we--"

"I am going to stop you right there." Katy holds up her hand, takes another sip, and continues. "I had forgiven your misconduct when you took the obstacle course challenge against me."

The two start with shock written on their faces.

"What do you mean? Already forgiven us?" Bill barely chokes out his words as Carlos just sits there, opening and closing his mouth like a fish.

Katy laughs at their reaction, her rolling belly laugh highly contagious, and soon everyone in the room is laughing along with her. Including Bill and Carlos, much to their surprise.

Minutes pass as the laughter continues, everyone enjoying themselves, until someone knocks on the door.

The laughter adruptly stops as the person at the door knocks again. The two look at Snapper in confusion. Snapper is tense and obviously nervous, so it takes him a second before he notices the silent question from the two.

In a low voice he explains, "Everyone on the base knows that they don't knock, that they can just come in here unannounced because of the goals that Maze has set for us, on this base at least." He gulps noticeably. "So this means that someone from the office is here, and someone from the office coming down here is never a good thing."

Carlos muses softly, looking to Snapper for an answer, "What happened last time someone from the office came down here?"

"The last time they came down here was to tell me that my father was MIA (Missing In Action) overseas. No one has heard from him since."

The three men looks over at Katy in surprise, clearly not expecting that she would add to the conversation. She frowns slightly, "What? You asked, I answered."

The person knocks at the door again, this time much more aggressively, spurring Katy to stand.

"I'm coming, yeesh. What did the poor door ever do to you?"

As she opens the door, her eyebrows steadily rise up her forehead is surprise. She holds the door open for a second as she takes a very loud, unladylike, slurp of her coffee.

"So," She addresses the person on the other side of the door as she examines her empty coffee cup. "What do you need from us, Abby?"

"I would like to be invited in, if you don't mind before I unload my information."

"Ha! You never change, do you?" Katy moves out of the doorway and makes her way to the kitchen. "Want anything liquid?"

The dark-skinned woman, Abby, sits in one of the armchairs, giving definition of the word 'lounging'.

"Anything hot, dear."

Katy appears in the doorway to the living room. "Sorry Abby, but I am strictly off the menu. But I do have a nice cup of coco for you instead."

Abby's face twists into a disapproving frown and she grabs the cup. "Why must you make everything I say into something dirty, Katy?"

Katy makes her way to her chair and flings her body into it, giving Abby a cryptic smile.

"How else would I have fun when you're around? You are like, some sort of vaccum that sucks up all the joy and laughter out of the air, so I have to keep it around somehow."

Abby gives her a half-hearted glare, then glances at the other people in the room. She norrows her eyes at Bill and Carlos, the two very clearly not from her platoon.

She looks back at Katy, her thoughts obvious.

Katy rolls her eyes at Abby." For goodness sake, no Abby. You know better then anyone, I don't take lovers from base camp. So get that thought out of your head."

"I didn't say anything, Katy."

She snorts. "Not verbally, yes. But you have an issue with keeping your thoughts from showing in your face. Honestly, I'm surprised that you still have your job."

"I don't remember asking for your opinion about my work ethic, Katy."

"If someone's tone of voice could kill, I would've been dead 5 minute's after we met for the first time."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Two chapters in a week? Back to back no less. What kind of witchcraft is this?!

Well, to answer your questions, I am on a roll today. This chapter only took me less then 3ish hours to put together. Most of my writing happens between classes so...yeah.

What do you call a beehive without an exit?


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