Chapter 13 - "We're off to see the wizard...."

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"Haha, stop whining Abby. It's just a little disinfectant."

"On an open wound!!!"

"HA! If you think this stuff stings on a cut, you don't want to imagine it on a bullet hole. It's so, so much worse."

Abby tries to glare at Katy, failing due to her swollen eye and split lip. None the less, Katy notices the attempt. She smiles coyly and gently pinches Abby's cheek.

"There, there. If you keep up your practice, you'll someday beat me."

"Are you seriously making me eat my own words right now?"

A grin is all Abby gets in response. So she huff's, her frustration getting the better of her mood.

Katy notices this and she sighs. After setting down the disinfectant and cotton balls, she sits next Abby and lifts her shirt up. The movement reveals a nice cut down her side and bruises starting to form.

"Holy shit! Was that because of me," Abby gets up as she talks, picking up the first aid stuff to start cleaning the cut.

"Yep. I wasn't going to tell you about it, but your attitude needed to be fixed. And this was the fastest way."

Abby shakes her head with amusement curving her lips slightly. She works quickly, Katy not making a sound as Abby applies the disinfectant to the wound and carefully wraps a bandage around her torso.

Katy hops off the table and twists, seeing how much the bandages hinder her maneuverability. Once satisfied, she pulls her shirt back over her head. However, her head does get stuck, giving Abby a chance to look over the tapestry that is Katy's skin.

There's a scar across her shoulder blades that makes it clear that she barely dodged the knife. Another down the right side of her rib cage, but its not a clean cut, the scar telling how the knife was dragged down her skin then stabbed into her torso.

Marks criss-cross her upper arms, explaining the many knife fights that she nearly lost. There are a few scars that are from bullet wounds and a few near misses.

A singular scar around her neck, stopping just before her throat, is the one that has no story. Or at least, Abby hadn't been told the story behind it.

That was as far as Abby got before Katy got her head unstuck, pulling the shirt all the way down.

Katy looks at Abby, her expression showing that she knew where Abby train of thought had gone. But she doesn't press, simply stuffing all of the first aid stuff back in the box.

She glances over to Abby, "Are going to keep standing there like a fish out of water, or are you going to accompany me to the office?"

Abby starts, "Already?!"

"Yep, that was the call. They told me to finish up whatever I was doing and head up there," She glances at Abby with a mischievous glint in her eye.

"They also told me to drag your ass back to your office."

Abby palms her eyes, a sigh of exasperation escaping her lips. Katy smiles a bit, despite being unamused. She loops her arm around Abby's and starts skipping.

"We're off to see the wizard, the wonderful wizard of Oz!" She starts to drag Abby, who is surprised, to say the least.

"You have got to be kidding me."

With a laugh, Katy responds, "Oh, come on. Join me! Together we shall concern the idiots that are our superior's!!"

Kathy's laughter is contagious, and soon Abby is skipping along side her, singing at the top of her lungs.

"We're off to see the wizard, the wonderful wizard of Oz."

As the two make their way towards the offices that Katy seems to dread so much, several other men sing along as they pass.

After a few, some link their arms and join the growing line of people singing at the top of their lungs.

As they make their way toward the office, the people who had joined them start dispersing, fearful glances thrown toward the building.

Soon its just Abby and Katy. Both stop singing, even stop moving, just watching the shadows that move past the windows. Abby squeezes Kathy's arm gently, feeling the fear rolling off her.

"Are you ever going to tell me why this place scares you?"


Abby clenches her jaw, the frustration rolling off her starting to piss of Katy.

"Look Abby," She spins around to look Abby in the eye. "I love you dearly, but there are something I refuse to tell anyone, especially a spineless cowered like you"

"I don't--"

"Sergeant Maze! You were told to report here 20 minutes ago."

"Sir," Katy turns around to face the man. "With all due respect, I was in the middle of a sparring session and I believe that I have previously explained that I won't put my life on hold for the likes of you."

She then storms past him, making it a point to glare directly at the Staff Sergeant patch on his sleeve.

She stops just before the door and speaks over her shoulder.

"And I refuse to be at the beck and call of someone who slept his way to his God damn rank. Because I fought for mine with blood, sweat, and tears, whereas you mearly wagged your damn dick at the ladies for the job."

The man watches her dissappear through the door with a look of astonishment, and, after loosing sight of her, he turns to Abby.

"Do you know who she was sparring?"

Abby's stomach squeezes with fear, and she checks the instinct to gulp, instead twisting the ring on her finger to relieve the anxiety. She looks evenly into his eyes.

"No sir."

"If you find who was, do send them to my office for a raise"

As he turns to head inside, the only thought that is racing in Abby's mind it that Katy was right. She was nothing more than a spineless cowered.

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Is that resentment I smell? Or is it entitlement? I can't tell and I'm the one writing it! Hope your week has gone well so far.

I don't trust stairs.

They're always up to something.

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