Chapter 15 - "I was going to clean that up..."

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The discussion on how the school was already fortified continues for a good 15 minutes before all the points are covered.

During this time, Katy finishes her coffee, and starts doodling on the note paper they were given. The scratching of the pencil on paper fills Katy with nostalgia, memory's of beating grown men at art games bringing a smile to her face.

A few of the older men, those who've known her for her entire life, watch her as she doodles, and as the small smile appears across her features. They attempt to be discreet, key word attempt, cause Katy has a sixth sense when it comes to knowing if she's being watched.

As the conversation about possible weak points comes to an end, Katy pulls herself out of her childhood memory's and shakes her head, ridding her brain of the memory fog.

She presses her lips into a thin line when she realizes that the conversation has drifted off topic.

And, with a screech of protest from her chair, she speaks.

"I was summoned here for a fucking reason, and as far as I know that has something to with my wish to see the Nightshade's blood spilt on the ground. So," She steps up to the front and pushes the guy into a seat. "I will be taking over this briefing."

"Seeing as you," A very pointed glare is sent at the guy who was supposed to be doing this. "Do not seem bothered by the actual risks that this threat brings to the table, I will explain."

She stands in front of the projecter, her presence there more than enough to shut them all up. She watches them for a minute or two, waiting for the newbies to speak up. Much to her surprise, they don't.

"As far as we are aware, this is more than a meer threat towards the President's daughter. And before you ask, yes I realize that they called her out singularly. But! This school has the children of political members and royal leaders from around the world."

Katy plants her hand on the pile of papers on the table in front of her and leans closer to the others. She looks each of them carefully in the eye, "Now, can anyone of you tell me why that would be a problem?"

There's a moment of quiet as the men turn her statement over on their heads. The guy who had been briefing before narrows his eyes at her.

"What does that have to do with anything?" He voices the question that many of the older members had been thinking to themselves. Katy, of course, had noticed that and was simply waiting.

"It has everything to do with this situation because, if this threat were to happen and the children of all these big political idots die, then guess what happens?"

One of the newbies raises a hand, "Then every other country in the world would see us as an enemy and..."

"Before you could fucking blink, we'd be in the middle of a war where every other country is allied and we're fighting on our own," Katy straightens, a fist planted on the table and an expression of disdain on her features. "How long do you think that war will last?"

"Not very long?" The small voice of the guy who originally was speaking answers her question.

"Bingo!" Katy steps back over to her chair and sits down, making herself comfortable. "You can take over now. I've said all that needed to be said."

– 4 hours later –

Katy pulls out her keys with a sigh that speaks of how tired she is. She fumbles a bit with unlocking the door, but once she does, she scurrys into the house. After dumbing her bag on the couch and tossing her shoes in the corner, she makes her way into the kitchen to make dinner.

Pulling the ingredients for the omelets out of the fridge and setting the pan on the stove top, she allows herself to mull the past four hours over.

After her little outburst, the brief continued and she was informed that the reason that she'd been called up was because they've chosen her to go undercover at the school.

She had started laughing, fully believing that they were kidding. After the explanation of why they had chosen her, she fought back on the matter until she remembered what Addy had told her.

"You are the only teen who already has the skills needed for this mission, without needed extra training."

With her training in mind, she had to admit that she was the only one who could possibly take care of the threat without alerting anyone. The facts, however, could not stop her growing apprehension of going to high school.

The opening of her front door pulls her out of her thoughts. It also makes her jumps slightly, which makes her drop the egg she was holding. Her Grandma peeks into the kitchen at the sound of the egg breaking and the rather loud profanity that comes from Katy.

"Dude! Can't you just knock like the rest of us normal humans!?"

Her Grandpa rounds the corner, "I am not your 'Dude' and since when are you a normal human bean?"

Katy cringes at her Grandpa's words as she goes to pick up the egg shards, only to find the spot now spotless. The cabinet behind her opens and she whips around just in time to see her Grandmother dump the mess into the trash.

"I was going to clean that up..."

"Well, now you don't have to worry about it. Instead," She places her hand on Katy's shoulder. "You can focus on making dinner."

"Sigh, okay. I'll start cooking."

Her Grandfather sits down on one of the stools in front of the island, "So, how was the meeting?"

"They're all punks who can't see the big picture until someone forces it in their faces. I still can't believe that they are able to hold on to their positions."


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Hello human beans! I did not expect for this chapter to take so long, but writers block haunted me. Anyway, hope that you've all had a good week so far!

My dad was born a conjoined twin, but separated at birth.

So I have an uncle, once removed.

Project: High SchoolOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora