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Hello and welcome to the Halcyon Community! Thank you for knocking on this door of time that leads you to a peaceful and idyllic past

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Hello and welcome to the Halcyon Community! Thank you for knocking on this door of time that leads you to a peaceful and idyllic past. Will you walk through the corridors with us as we lead you?

Let's go back in time to find peace and something idyllic then bring it to us in this current world.

Are you a writer struggling with your writing and engagement from readers?

There could be a lot of reasons for that- it could be that you don't have the right audience or you struggle with the writing process. Whatever it is, the aim of this bookclub is to help you navigate your way as a Wattpad writer and help you connect with readers and writers alike.

Halcyon Community Writers BookclubWhere stories live. Discover now