Rotation 2.2: June 8th - June 15th

108 6 31

Each member is to:
1.) Read chapter one of their partner's book— leaving at least three inline comments on that chapter then return here to give a review of the chapter.

2.) Read chapter one of the admins book assigned to you— leaving at least three inline comments. A good number of you did not do this last week but it was pardoned because it was your first time. Admins are not eligible for prizes such as reviewer of the week, book of the month etc so the only way you can help us is by doing this.

3.) Read chapter one and two of the reviewer of the weeks book, leaving at least three comments on each one.

Four chapters a week isn't too much, or is it?
Let us know here ------>

I repeat! Emoji's or one word comments do not count!


The reviewer of the week goes to... <drumrolls please> Feral_Forest_Dweller

Your book will be added to our public reading list and given a shout-out on the community account, and a follow from one of the admins.

Each member is to read two chapters of  book titled "The Devil's Last Breath" and leave three comments on each one.

Special mention to other outstanding reviewers:


Your book will be added to our public reading list, receive a shout-out from us and get a free review on the first two chapters from an admin (if only you want one)!


That looks appealing, or does it not?

You can be on that list too! All you have to do is give a thorough review.

Why should you give a thorough review?

One of the aims of the bookclub is to help writer's gain feedback on their work so they can become better at what they love doing. If you don't give a thorough review, there's no way you can help your fellow writer and it won't be fair on them.

We know that some of you might want to say "some books don't need help, it's perfect the way it is". Agreed, some books seem perfect but we will also tell you that a review should not only contain critiques.

While going through the reviews, there was one that stated that the writer needs to work on his/her show vs. tell but didn't tell the writer how to do that, or what part of the chapter needed that help.

In case you need a reference on what a good review looks like, check the reviews given by:

That being said, let's move on to the groupings for this week.

Group One:
You are to read the next chapter of your partner's book and leave a review.

Siimply_April The Story of Wondercraft.
Feral_Forest_Dweller The Devil's last breath.

Admins Book: BlackRose0231 The Dark One.

When you're done with your assignment, report here:

Group Two:
Read chapter two of your partner's book and leave a review.

Black-Wicked My 18th Birthday.
wild_imaginatorII Torn Apart.

Admins Book: wild_imaginatorII Torn Apart.

When you're done with your assignment, report here:

Group Three:
Read the next chapter of your partner's book and leave a review.

BlackRose0231 The Dark One
Aphro_dite112 Business Affairs.

Admins Book: @Blackrose0231 The Dark One.

When you're done with your assignment, report here:

Group Four:
Read the next chapter on your partner's book and leave a review.

JohanLiebert33 : The Saga Of Mafioso
BlackRose0231 The Dark One
Admins book BlackRose0231 The Dark One.
When you're done with your assignment, report here:

Group Six:
Pulchra_Aurum Brother's But Not.
wild_imaginatorII Torn Apart.
Admin pairing**
When you're done with your assignment, report here:

Group Five:
Read chapter one of your partner's book and leave a review.

Godschild_16 The Blues and Rues of Freaking High School
wild_imaginatorII Torn Apart.

Admin pairing. **
When you're done with your assignment, report here:



Kindly complete last week's assignment to be included in the next one.

Halcyon Community Writers BookclubOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora