Chapter 23 - Asahi

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"I'm surprised you came over today," Asahi said, letting Suzuka in. She wore pajamas, as usual.

"I skipped yesterday," Suzuka replied, stepping inside and removing her shoes.

"You still have another skip this week. I thought for sure you'd be going over to Nanmei's after your testing with Harumi."

"Are you that sure I'd even like it?"

Asahi shrugged. "It feels good. What's not to like?"

Suzuka folded her arms behind her back. "Come to think of it, Harumi mentioned you went shopping with her. What's with that?"

"You tell me. There's nothing weird about it, right?"

"You're not exactly the friendly type, and I would have expected you to think shopping with her would be a pain."

"Everyone likes Harumi, you know? That includes me. Besides, it can only be a good thing to get on better terms with the legal wife, don't you think?"

"Legal wife..."

"Anyway!" Asahi put her hands on her hips. "You didn't answer whether you liked it or not."

"I enjoyed it," Suzuka answered honestly. "Though, I definitely prefer normal sex with girls. Hands are more tender and loving."

Asahi crossed her arms. "I wouldn't know."

"Hmm. Well, I'll get to cleaning."

An hour later, the two were playing games to finish Suzuka's visit as they often did. The alarm on Asahi's phone went off.

"Alright, you're free," Asahi declared.

"After this level."

"Getting into it, huh?"

They finished the level, then Asahi saved the game and they set the controllers aside.

"Hey, Asahi." Suzuka turned to the demon girl. "Do you love me?"

Asahi moved backward. "Wh-what's that all of a sudden?"

"Do you love me, or is it just lust?"

"Er." Asahi averted her gaze, embarrassed. "We might have different definitions of love, so it's hard to say."

"Do you want me to be happy, or do you want me for your own happiness?" Suzuka crawled closer to Asahi. "Do you want me to be by your side for the rest of your life, or only for a while? Are you happier when I'm with you than when you're alone?"

Asahi turned her face away. "If you're putting it that way, then, I guess I do."

"You do what?"

Asahi glared at Suzuka, her cheeks turning red. "You know. The thing we're talking about."

"Say it properly," Suzuka insisted, placing a hand on Asahi's shoulder. "I'll reward you if you do."

Asahi gulped. "I..." Her voice fell to a mumbling whisper. "I love you."

"Hm? I can't hear you," Suzuka teased.

"You definitely heard me!"

"Nope, I didn't hear you at all," Suzuka lied, smiling. "Say it properly."

Asahi let out an exasperated sigh. "I love you, okay?!"

"I'm happy to hear it."

Suzuka moved her hand from Asahi's shoulder to Asahi's chin, then kissed her.

Asahi let out a surprised yelp that got muffled by Suzuka's mouth. She lightly struggled with herself before deciding to give up and let Suzuka have her way. She put her hands on Suzuka's shoulders.

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