Chapter 17 - Ebb and Flow

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Asahi peered around Suzuka as the human girl entered her apartment. As usual, she wore pajamas. "That mutt's not with you today?"

"Nope, it's just me."

"I see." Asahi brought a hand to her chin and walked deeper inside. "Then, what should I ask you to do..."

"Up to you," Suzuka said, following.

Asahi folded her arms behind her back and looked at Suzuka over her shoulder. "You've fucked Harumi by now, right?"

"Er, right."

"How do you feel about casual sex?"

"It's not something I can do," Suzuka replied, shaking her head. "Harumi gave me permission to have sex with three other people. Using them up requires careful thought."

"Ah, I see, so those were the terms." Asahi strolled aimlessly while thinking. "So, you can have as many girlfriends as you want, as long as you don't have sex with them?"

"I guess, based on the wording. But, other than with like, Neko, I would probably eventually want to have sex."

Asahi tilted her head. "You don't want to have sex with Neko? Why not?"

Suzuka shrugged. "I just see her as a pet. I don't feel anything sexual towards her, even when seeing her naked."

"Hm. So, what sort of chance do you think I have?"

Suzuka wandered into the kitchen to prepare some tea. It seemed like they'd be talking for a while. "Don't you already have Nanmei? Why do you want me, too?"

Asahi crossed her arms and scoffed. "You already have Harumi, and she's a much better catch than Nanmei. Why do you still want others?"

Suzuka used the fire magic she'd learned from Nanmei to nearly instantly boil water. "What's wrong with Nanmei?"

"She's so rough and aggressive!" Asahi let out an exasperated sigh. "Sometimes you want something gentle and tender instead."

Suzuka smirked, pulling out the tea bags. "And you think I'd provide that?"

Asahi nodded. "You do seem like the type."

Suzuka poured two cups of tea, giving one to Asahi. "Harumi says I'm submissive, but I don't think I've experienced enough to know for sure."

"I mean, you've done it already, right?" Asahi smirked. "Why don't you tell me in detail what you did with Harumi?"

Suzuka stared at Asahi. "Is that an order?"


Suzuka considered using one of her rejections, but didn't think it quite warranted it. With a sigh, Suzuka took out her phone and started recording audio, then recounted the events of that night. Her cheeks quickly flushed red, stuttering often.

Asahi asked plenty of questions and prompted for elaboration frequently, enjoying watching Suzuka squirm.

"Are you satisfied now?" Suzuka asked at the end of it, pouting.

"Yeah, I guess that's good enough."

Suzuka ended the recording and put it away. She'd send it to Ayame later. "Why don't you tell me about your first night with Nanmei?"

"Nah." Asahi smirked. "If you want to know what she's like, go fuck her yourself."

"Maybe some day." Suzuka downed the rest of her tea.

"For the rest of the time, just cuddle me," Asahi decided.

Suzuka nodded. "Sure. Let me change first."

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