Chapter #6

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    Juan couldn't believe what he was hearing.

   "You told her you were Cuban? What kind of idiot would do that? I knew you were desperate but...Anyways she is way out of your league. Maybe she would date a white guy, did you ever even ask?"

   The power shuffle. Amos slowly brought back Juan to the class activity, the starting point of it all. No, he didn't do all this on purpose, certainly not to deceive Camille. It just kind-of evolved by itself.

   "Dude, I get it now, but that is some mixed up stuff. So you're going to tell her before or after the multicultural event?"

   The answer to that question remained very unclear to Amos. First, he needed the favor.

   Juan's sister Samantha had a boyfriend who was a chef. Pepe, was the first, stable, nice boyfriend she had dated in years. It seemed as if at 23 years old, she had finally accumulated the combined experiences to choose someone who was loyal, caring, with a future in mind. Pepe, was twenty-five, a close age bracket, and although only a junior chef, he very much took his job seriously at La Salsa.

   Samantha was thrilled that her brother and "gringo" friend were interested in learning Latin culinary arts, chosen for a school project- (that was the only information she was told.) She hooked them up right away and that very night Amos had the name of an authentic recipe, Platano Maduro Frito (fried bananas), to present at the multicultural fair, to be discussed during Camille's lunch invitation the next day. How to make it? Well, that would be solved this weekend when Juan and Amos had their early 4a.m. pre-opening morning culinary lesson in the back of the restaurant's kitchen area. 

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