Chapter 2

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Kazuha walked through the west kindgom with his straw hat covering his head, which he'd kept lowered to avoid being spotted by the nearby police who were patrolling the area. As he walked, he noticed a small stand selling apples, while the lady behind the stand started talking to an actual paying costumer, he swiped an apple, undetected.

He smirked to himself and bit into the juicy fruit.

Sometimes, it was just too easy to steal things.

He's been doing this for a long time, after all. Things like that were bound to get easier and easier.

He took another bite of the fruit, and stepped on something. it sounded like paper,

Assuming it was another wanted poster of himself, he stepped back and locked down, ready to crumble it up and laugh of peoples art assuming how he looked.

However, it was not his image of the paper.

Rather, it was the west kindgom's first prince.

Now interested, Kazuha knelt down and picked up the paper. At the top of the paper, the first prince of the West's image was displayed, and underneath was written in neat hiragana.

Missing - First Prince, Kunikuzushi or Scaramouche. Kidnapped on the night of june First.

Height: 162cm

Hair color: Indigo

Eye color: Indigo

By order of the Queen of the West, should you find the first prince, the Queen will offer one hundred gold pieces for his safe return. Negotiations available within reason.

Kazuha raised his eyebrows as he read and reread the flyer. A small smirk crossed his face.

Negotiations available, huh...maybe this will be worth it.

He tossed his partially eaten apple aside and stuffed the flyer in his cloak, before he started walking towards the castle.

Of course, when he arrived, there were guards at the entrance, and immediately held their spears out.

"Halt! No one enters!"

"Calm down, gentlemen. im here inquiring about this flyer." He readhed down to his cloak and held the piece of paper.

"You need to request an audience with her majesty first."

Kazuha sighed. "You see- I dont have time for that. Excuse me." He walked towards the door. They immediately blocked him with their spears.

Kazuha wasted no time, ducking down low and low kicking one of the two guards legs, taking their spear from him and turning against the other. They clashed spears, a sharp spark flying upon the grating ring of metal.

Faintly, Kazuha heard the sound of metal clinking behind him, and knew the guard was getting up. He waited until he heard the footsteps come closer before leaping out of the way, and tornado kicking the back of the guard he'd been tussling with on the head, causing them both to fall down. He smiled in satisfaction as he successfully knocked one out.

"Like I was saying, I just need to pass through."

And with that, he walked inside.

He didn't get very far within the castle before he ran into a servant.

"Excuse me, but I'm here to see the Queen," he said, holding the flyer out. "I believe I can get the first prince back. I just need to negotiate the reward with her."

"O-oh! Well, the Queen should be out of lunch by now, I- I'll go fetch her!" The servant fumbled, "I'll take you to the throne room."

And with that, he was led through a few corridors, before they came across a large room with four grand chairs, and it was obvious which belonged to who when he glanced at them.

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