chapter three

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Scaramouche had been at that god forsaken who knows where warehouse for a good two days now. they only gave him water and fed him only when its deemed necessary, when they did, it would usually be a piece of bread or smt small.

Scaramouche shook his head to himself, watching as the bandits sat near the entrance, all sitting in a circle playing some tcg or any card game. the large bandit eas losing, evidently.

"You're fucking cheating!" The large one shouted, standing up and drawing his curved sword.

"No," one of the others sneered, "you just suck at this."

"I do not! I never lost a game before I started playing you!"

"Oh my god, get over it. You're not a poker master, you know?"

The large bandit scowled, his eyes flashing in anger and annoyance. He let out a loud scream of frustration and slashed his sword at a wooden beam.

"Careful!" one of the bandits snapped, "If this warehouse collapses, were all dead you get it?,"

"i dont give a damn if you die or not!"

"tsk, what a temper" Scara muttered annoyed.

"...what the fuck did you say?" Tha large bandit stared at him.

Scara looked up. "..Nothin"

"No i want to hear what you said." the bandit stormed over to him, jerking him up by his still-white garments. glaring down at him. "you know, the trade off for your safe return for a thousand gold pieces, this doesn't mean i cant mess up that pretty face of yours."

"aww, you think my face is pretty? why thank you! i never thought a such horrid being would compliment me!"
Scaramouche mocked.

A punch was delivered to his cheek, and he felt his lip split slightly.

"You better hope that you get saved by the end of tomorrow, you royal pain in the ass. If not...I'm gonna have a lot of fun killing you."

"and not to mentioning you dipshits chose to do the stupidest shit instead of redeeming yourselves, how stupid can you get?"
Scaramouche said flatly. "No hold's end. I'm killing you now- and if you are rescued, we'll just rob the guy delivering the money." The bandit lifted his knife and brought it down. Scara flung himself out of the way just in time.

Before the large bandit could continue, there was a sound in the distance.

It sounded like a car.

The bandits stood up and moved aside as one of them went to open the door.

Just as he did, a large jeep drove in, the breaks slamming.

A man hopped out of the jeep, standing a mere 161cm. He had messy albino hair with red highlight on the right side. with eyes like ruby. "Who the fuck are you?!" The large bandit yelled, "Sorry to barge in, gentlemen. I have a mission to complete." The man's voice was very soft and calming.

'how charming." Scaramouche thought but quickly snapped out of it.

His ruby eyes scanned the area, before finally landing on Scaramouche. He leaped over easily, removing a knife from his pocket, and cutting the ropes off of him. "You must be prince Kunikuzushi.. the pleasure is mine." he bowed to the prince infront of him with a bit of messy hair. "Hurry up get me out of h-"
"My prince watch out!" The man suddenly picked Scara up in a bridal carry, causing Scara to gasp and wrap his arms around the man's neck.

"Get him!"

"You sure made some good friends, look, they don't want you to leave," the man teased, shifting his hold so only one arm was holding onto Scaramouche. "and looks like your ass made some enemies dumb fuck!"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2023 ⏰

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