Chapter 1

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Scaramouche stared up at the sky from the balcony outside of his room. it was dusk the sun was almost completely set, and it slowly getting colder outside. It was beautiful. It was the start of summer, so the nights weren't terribly cold. , but it eas still worth needing a long sleeve shirt or jacket. There eas a light tap on his window, and he turned, One of his servants stood there,

"Your Majesty," his servant bowed. "Dinner is served."

"Tsk. I was enjoying the view, you had to ruin it. I'll be there in a moment."

"Apologies sir, but if u must, please be quick. Her majesty has something she needs yo discuss with you. it seems important."
his servant left him alone after that.

Good god. what does that old bitch want now? i am not in the  mood for another long-ass lecture.

he sighed, and left the balcony heading inside his bedroom and shutting the large violet-rimmed windows and locked them behind him. He glanced at his bedroom, making sure it was in perfect condition. He had a parge bed with light purple  sheets and a white duvet along with slight lavender see-through curtains hanging around them, his toom being larger than the average peasant person's living room. His walls were painted white, and had many decorative items hanging up neatly such as,
lanterns, fairy lights, books, ect. alongside a large white dresser sets and a couple of mirrors.

It was, simply a room fit for a prince.

His cape attitudly swiching behind him, he left the room to join his family at the dinner table.

They were all there by the time he arrived, and the servants were in thr middle of setting their nightly buffet at the table.

He sat down.
"Kunikuzushi." His mother, Queen Ei eyed him with mild disdain. "We have a lot to talk about tonight."

"And what would that may be, Mother." He replied coldly, clearly annoyed.

The servants, now finished setting the table, left.

"By the end of summer." Ei began picking up her dinner fork and knife, "you are betrothed to princess mona, of the north kingdom,"

"Betrothed?!" Scaramouche, who had been reaching for a dango, stopped. "Wait a god damn moment, you want me to?"

" i have made my decision. i want shogun to be the next heir of the west kindgom. you on the other hand will travel to the north kingdom and become king there. i have already discussed this with the north kind himself, and he agreed that we strengthen  our kingdoms together, so we can put an end to the war against the east kingdom."

"Basically, Mom doesn't want you here."
Shogun sneered at Scaramouche.

"At the end of summer? that would only give me a few months to prepare and im only fucking eighteen!"
Scaramouche protested. "Arent princes supposed to start their reign at the age of twenty one?"

"Normally yes. however, our  troops, our people cannot withstand another tree years of war."
Ei's eyes narrowed. "No people means no taxes. and no taxes means ee lack of military funding, do you want the east to conquer the west Kunikuzushi?!" She snapped.

"No."  Scaramouche could only look down in disbelief. "But why not call a truce with the east? im sure they have"

"Their kindgom does not have a prince nor a princess. forming an alliance through the Queens would do nothing."

"But..." Scara's shoulders sagged, "I am not ready to become king."

"That is why Miko will personally be teaching you everything you need to know, your days will be long and tedious  and you will be working from dawn till the moon is out. given that it is summer you will start exactly at 3am." Ei looked at him intensely "You have much to learn, as you will be cramming three years of teaching within three months."

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