Chapter Seven: Allies Divided

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"I refuse to go to Herosville, me and Hella can gather Allie's easily in Beastville because we have a history with those people," Sir Godly stated, setting off to the left with the map in his hand.

Hella floated behind him on her stick and shrugged, waving goodbye to the rest of the group. The birds that followed her around took off ahead of the two of them, seeming to seek a path.

"Well that's just great, I'm left to babysit the dragon and the weaklings," Idola cried, throwing her arms up.

Meme jumped off Casey's shoulder. "I'm going with them." With that, he trotted off after Hella and Sir Godly.

Idola growled. "Why am I always the babysitter? It's not fair." The breeze picked up around her, swaying the flowers and grass harshly. "Even when I was with Sir Godly I was left to pick up the pieces of the messes he created."

Walking over to Idola, Casey patted her shoulder. "Sir Godly can be a real jerk, I'm sorry you had to deal with that."

The spirit sighed. "Yes, he can be. But my goodness he's so pretty and manly. Anyways. . ." Idola coughed. "Let's get going to Herosville, it will be quite the walk."

Casey, Jack, and Idola walked into the forest surrounding the field. It was peaceful, seemingly undisturbed by anything besides nature itself. Small critters scurried around in the bushes, paying them no heed as they passed by.

The rustling got louder.

Casey stepped back as a large shadow was cast across the ground. "Idola—is that an ogre?" She whispered hoarsely.

Rather than reply, Idola put a finger to her lips and cast a haze of forestry over the top of them as she signaled for them to squat down.

The footsteps got closer. "Did you hear that?"

"No, but I smell something. . . Humany," another voice stated.

A hand grabbed onto Casey's hair and dragged her out of the bush hiding place. She cried out, kicking, and fighting against whatever had grabbed her, until she saw it. An ogre with a bone through its nose peered down at her, holding her several feet in the air by her hair. She had no idea how big it was but it was the biggest thing she had ever seen.

"Looks like we got ourselves a meal," the ogre said, smiling to reveal yellowed teeth.

Casey fainted.

. . . . . . . .

Meanwhile, the other journey was going better. . . In the case of more fun! There was never a dull moment in Beastville.

Sir Godly raced through the streets, dodging between buildings and people to chase after a thief that had stolen his coins. The instant they had stepped into town he'd been robbed.

Hella snorted, ah such familiarity, only the last time she'd experienced that, she'd been the robber. A smirk pulled across her lips, she'd gotten away with it. Her magic senses tingled and the raven squaked in her ear. Turning around, she grabbed Meme from the ground and did a spin on her staff just as a large fireball slammed into the ground where the dragon had been.

A dragon similar in size glared up at them. "How dare you rescue that scoundrel."

"JJ, now really isn't the time, can't you see I'm busy?" Meme asked, rolling his eyes.

Hella allowed the dragon to join her birds on her shoulders. Now this was interesting. She summoned roasted nuts and munched on them. Oh how she loved drama.

"Get down here and battle me like a proper dragon. Let's settle this like civilized creatures. You win, you live, you lose, you die," JJ said, snorting smoke out of her nostrils.

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