Chapter Nine: This Dragon's on Fiiiiiiire

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Smoke drifted to reach Casey's nose. If there was smoke didn't that mean there was—

"Fire!" Sir Godly cried, running past everyone with Meme held under one arm.

The entire forest blazed behind them, traveling closer with every passing second. Everyone took the initiative and fled from the flames.

"What did you do?" Idola accused as she ran beside Sir Godly.

Sir Godly rolled his eyes. "Why do you always assume it was me? This is the fault of the dragon not handling his maidens right."

"I refuse to apologize for the crazies that is JJ!" Meme cried, jumping from Sir Godly's arms to Casey's. "I was trying to fix something but you can't fix anything with that flame ball!"

Just as Meme finished saying that a ball of fire hurled past them and ignited the trees in front of them. "I just want to kill you Meme, stop running, lay down and die!"

JJ stood on the hill behind them, her pupils pinpricks as she looked over the group. "There's nowhere left to run, you're going to have to face me." She belched another stream of fire and cut off all their exits.

"I got this," the kid on the back of Hella's broom declared.

Hella grabbed him. "Wait—"

But he had already released an explosion that caused the fire to grow to new heights. It did however knock JJ onto her back which she couldn't seem to get up off of.

"Feeding fire with fire never works!" Idola scolded. "Go put the rascal back where you found him, we don't need this."

"Can't you just put it out with your water like when you healed me?" Barrett asked, watching as Hella healed him once more.

"I'd need a giant water source to accomplish something like that. Which, there is one but you know—" Hella got a crazed look on her face. "I like fire."

Idola face palmed. "Witches and their chaos. Remind me why we brought you again?"

Hella flipped upside down on her broom. "Because I'm a whole bundle of fun packed into one chaos witch. Everyone adores me."

The fire got closer, forcing the group to squeeze in tightly together.

"Isn't it so nice to snuggle up by the warm fire?" Hella asked, reaching out her hands over the flames that leapt up her arms. It didn't seem to affect her in the slightest.

Coughing from the smoke, Casey moved closer to Jack. "What are we going to do? What if we die?"

Jack grabbed her hand and gave it a squeeze. "We won't die as long as Hella stops delaying putting the fire out!" He glared at the witch with the intensity of a parent.

"Okay! Okay, no need to get rude, geez," Hella grumbled as she took her staff in her hand. She waved it in the air, causing the fire to cease motion. Droplets of water gathered in all directions, coming from the ground, the plants, and the left where Casey assumed a lake resided. They grew until they were the size of the fire itself. Hella tapped her staff, releasing them.

Water poured down in sheets so thick Casey couldn't see anything. More smoke filled the air as the fire hissed, displeased at becoming doused in so much water. Everyone's clothes became so drenched they hung off their bodies a little.

A blinding light emitted from the staff and it settled from a downpour to a mild drizzle. Hella shot bolts of light in random directions. "Rainbow. Rainbow. Rainbow. Rainbow!"

The light reflecting off the rain droplets made five rainbows in different directions. Both Hella and Barrett ran around in them, making silly faces.

Casey shook her head. She was too cool to want to play with the rainbows. Crossing her arms she mentally kept her feet still. Way too cool.

The Summer I Met The Goblin King (ONC 2023)Where stories live. Discover now