Missing him

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I hate myself.
I hate my yellowish not so straight teeth.
I hate my laugh and the way my mouth opens,
and even the way I breathe.
I hate how one eye is bigger than the other.
I hate how round my face is.
I hate my posture and how much I slouch.
I hate my stomach and how it hangs out.
I even hate the stretch marks on my back.
I hate how one of my ears is bigger than the other.
I hate how small my boobs are and how boney my butt is.
I hate the gap in my thighs because it's not big enough or small enough for me.
I hate that I'm not fat but also not skinny.
I hate my style.
I hate the way I talk and the way I act.
I hate the way I care what other people think.
But most of all I hate that I wasn't good enough for you.
She's pretty and I guess she's kind and I can see the smile on your face and deep in your eyes.
I remember when you looked at me like that.
I miss it.
I miss you.
Without you my flaws come out and my happiness has faded too.
I really thought it was us forever, infinity, till death do us part.
It sounds stupid I know
but I had high expectations for us and I can't seem to let them go.
My world revolves around you and I can't help but wonder if it always will.
Without you my life feels meaningless so stale.
I almost sometimes feel as though loving you was my purpose it felt so right
and I would give anything for just one for night.
My time with you was perfect.
Almost as perfect as you,
but I should've known it was all too good to be true.

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