With him

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Others have touched me it's unfortunately true
But I felt safe when it was you
Others have made me cry,
But when you made me sob,
I was still alright.
After the hours spent hurt weeping all night
I wouldn't change shit
Because with you it felt right.
I wouldn't take back a second with you
because every second was worth the pain that came too.
My heart has exploded into seas of red
holding what looks like could be millions of dead.
The only dead thing here is me
Because I was always to blind to see
You didn't care you never could
In a way even if I could see I always would.
My heart still hurts, it always will
What I take doesn't help, no matter the pill.
You broke my heart, made it shatter
But to you I know it will never matter
You took the pieces and threw them around
Now I'm stuck picking them off the ground
You hurt me very bad it's true
But unfortunately I'm still in love with you.

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