Beautiful (Jeff x Nina: ♡)

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Word Count: 1673

"You'll look so beautiful...," Jeff's raspy, quiet voice spoke as his hand trailed up her face. He watched her through the vanity mirror she sat in front of, smirk forming on his lips. "Pearly white skin...big'll be the most beautiful girl on Earth." A soft breath escaped Nina's lips, eyes wide in anticipation. The feeling of excitement she had felt when she killed Claudia and her cohorts filled her once more. But with it came a bit of nervousness. "Will it hurt?" She asked, brows furrowing in worry. Jeff locked his eyes with her's in their reflection but then stepped from behind her. "It will," he admitted. He didn't want to lie to her. He crouched down next to her, Nina looking at him and locking their eyes. His macabre excuse of an appearance thrilled her. She didn't know why, but she didn't question it. "But you're strong... you'll be strong for me, right, Nina?" He asked sweetly, tilting his head a bit as his smirk began to form into a smile. Nina nodded. Jeff's smile widened, a gentle "Good" leaving him before he stood. He wrapped his pale white fingers around the handle of the bleach gallon, standing behind Nina once more. "I'll come see you once you come home...," he hummed, twisting open the cap. He held the gallon up, slowly beginning to pour the fluid over her. A soft gasp left Nina, for it was cold. "...then I'll help you again. I'll make you beautiful."
Once the gallon was empty, Jeff took a step back. He dug in his pocket, pulling out a box of matches. He looked at Nina's reflection, seeing the look of nervousness on her face. "You'll be okay... I promise," Jeff said to ease her nerves. "If you're lucky, the pain will be gone by the time you wake up... they'll put you on painkillers."
"What if it goes wrong?" Nina asked, gripping the hem of her skirt. "What if I turn out....ugly?"
"Nonsense." He approached her again, reaching forward and gently cupping her cheek from behind. "You won't be stuck for long..
Your mom is right downstairs, so she'll stop it before any real damage happens." Nina took a shaky breath. "Trust me, darling...I wouldn't let anything bad happen to you." Nina gulped slightly before nodding. "I trust you." Jeff's smile grew again. He then backed up, opening the box of matches.

Nina stared at herself in the mirror with awe filled eyes, fingers trailing along the leathery white skin on her cheeks. A smile began to form on her chapped lips, a giggle leaving her. She never should have doubted Jeff. She then looked behind her through the mirror, making out the figure that was behind the window. A white, blood stained hoodie hid the person's identity, but Nina knew. She turned around, hurrying over to the glass pane that kept her from Jeff. She clicked the lock, pulling the window open. Jeff looked up at her, having a loving look in his eyes. He smiled, revealing his blood-coated teeth. "What'd I tell ya?" He asked, peeking his head in the window and looking around. "My family's asleep," Nina said as she backed up, catching on to what he was doing.
Jeff pressed his hands against the window sill, carefully climbing into Nina's room. He looked at her, another smile spreading across her face. "Ain't that a sight to see... just one more thing, and it'll be perfect." Nina was about to question him, but he had answered her question before she even spoke. She watched as he pulled a bloody knife from his hoodie pocket, Nina's mouth falling agape. Jeff cupped her cheek, her jumping slightly and looking up at him. He flashed a reassuring smile before holding up the knife. "You'll be strong... right?" He asked. Nina gave an immediate nod, feeling as Jeff set the knife against her mouth. Nina opened her mouth, allowing Jeff to position the blade to where the sharp side was against the side of her mouth. "This will only hurt for a bit..." was all he said before pushing the blade against the side of her mouth, beginning to cuz through the skin and go across her cheek.
Tears immediately flooded Nina's eyes at the pain, her letting out struggled gasps as Jeff continued to slice her face. She reached up, gripping the wrist of the hand that cupped her face. "Shhhh....," Jeff cooed softly, listening to the struggled sobs of pain that began to leave Nina. Once he had reached a point where he was satisfied, he withdrew the knife from Nina's face. A shaky sigh of relief left Nina, her eyes shutting as she felt pain radiating throughout her cheek. She could feel her warm, crimson blood trickling down her face as she cried. "Almost done..." Jeff said as he switched the hand that held the knife, gently brushing a strand of hair from Nina's face. "W-Wait-"
"The sooner, the better dear..." He held her head still by lightly holding her hair by the front of her face, not wanting to touch her cheek and cause more pain. He repeated the process, falling more and more in love with every drop of blood that left Nina's mouth. Her whimpers and cries were like a sick, twisted music to him. He found no joy in it, but it was a beautiful sound to him. Even with tears streaming down her face, she was so beautiful.
"Aaaaand done..." He finally said, pulling the knife from her mouth. Nina gave a sniffle as she shakily sighed, then gulped. "Th-There'th tho much b-blood in my mouth," she said, earning a chuckle from Jeff. "It'll stop soon..." He trailed off, tracing her face. Nina looked up at him. A few more tears fell here and there, but she could see Jeff's awe past them. "You're perfect...," he breathed, pressing his hand against the back of her head and kissing her temple softly. "My perfect princess..."
Nina sighed softly, pressing her head and hand against his chest. She began to get used to the pain, it not bothering her as much as it did before. "I wanna see," she finally said, pulling from Jeff's comforting embrace. He watched as she hurried over to her mirror, then froze. He furrowed his brows, not being able to read her expression. He wasn't sure if her shock was a good or a bad thing. "Do it...?" He asked, walking up behind her. He rested his hand on her shoulder, watching her reflection. "Nina..."
"I love it," she breathed out, her lips curling into a smile. It lined up with her new cuts, creating a wide and sickening smile that Jeff fell head over heels for. He grinned. "Good."
"Nina?" Came her mother's voice from the other side of the door, along with three knocks. "Nina, who are you talking to?" Nina snapped her head over, her low sanity causing her to plan evil things in her mind. Evil things to do to her own mother.
Jeff held up his knife, Nina looking at it. "I meant it when I said you're skilled...prove it to me." Nina gave a small nod before taking the weapon, staring at the blood that trickled down it. She ignored her mom's further demands to open the door after hearing Jeff's voice clearly, her vision focused on the red fluids. She then jumped as her door suddenly swung open, a look of horror being on her mother's now pale face. Her green eyes were wide, nearly bulging out of their sockets. Before she could do so much as say another word, Nina lunged at her and plunged the knife deep into her mother's abdomen. She pulled it out, shoving her mom down to the ground. She watched as her mom let out struggled breaths, pushing herself back as her hand covered her bleeding wound.
"Nina...," Jeff's voice spoke, Nina looking back at him. He looked deep into her eyes, giving a small grin. "Make me proud." Nina's pupils contracted, smile returning as she looked back at her mom. She stood over her before lowering herself, straddling her hips as she raised the knife with both hands. "N-No- Nina nO!" She shrieked as she raised a hand, but Nina didn't listen. She began to repeatedly stab her mom, her wicked smile only growing with every scream her mother let out. Her blood splattered everywhere, soaking the black t-shirt Nina had been wearing. Her face had many little red dots on it, only lowering her nearly gone sanity even more. She only came to a halt when her mom had stopped screaming, panting as she listened to the death rattle that came from the corpse beneath her. She giggled, dropping the knife and pressing her bloodied hands against her face. She swung her head back as she let out a laugh, seeing that Jeff was staring down at her from behind. She looked her eyes with his, her wide smile still spread across her face. "Did I do good?"
"You did amazing," Jeff said, pulling a few strands of her hair out of her face. He then walked to her side, holding a hand out to her. She grabbed the knife, taking his hand and allowing him to pull her up. She looked at it, then gave the blood a lick. She was surprised when her mother's blood tasted different than her own. It was more bitter. "We need to go," Jeff said, snapping Nina away from her thoughts. She looked up at him, blinking. "Where are we going?" She asked. Jeff held onto her hand, intertwining their fingers as he began to lead her down the stairs. "Home," he simply said. Nina didn't question 'home's, trusting that Jeff wouldn't take her anywhere that would hurt her. He led her out the back door and towards the trees, the two not being spotted in the dark night.

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